Help please with first benchy print

Hello. I’m having trouble with my first prints. The very first attempt was not sticking…just like printing Mr. Messy! I think it was not close to the bed enough. Second attempt after re-callibrating, was a blob. I then tried the settings as suggested on the snapmaker tips and tricks for adhesion video, and changed the temperature, speed, width and added a brim etc. The brim stuck to the bed (but there are gaps between each line…is that what it is supposed to look like?) and the benchy started to print, although with pits, but then the brim lifted and it fell to one side. What others ideas do you suggest please.

Thank you :blush:

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Hey @Fezziwig , first of all, welcome :wink:
What slicersoftware did you use?
What filament did you use?
What settings did you use?
Printspeed, Printing temperature, bedtemperature.
I believe it would help to slow the first layer down till to 10mm/s.
The picture shows a bit of underextrusion on the brim, maybe give it more print temperature.
Let me know your settings.

Hello :wave:t2:

Thank you for the reply. Here are some more details as requested:

What slicersoftware did you use? SnapmakerJs
What filament did you use? The PLA that came with the Snapmaker

What settings did you use? All other settings were left as is for PLA and then used the snapmaker tips for adhesion video and adjusted as follows:

Print-speed - 10mm/s for first layer
Printing temperature - 205 oC for first layer
Bed temperature - 60 oC for first layer
Layer width - 130%

Thank you :blush:

With those settings I would say your leveling point is High. Your filament isn’t being “pressed” onto the bed. Maybe try 210 or 215. If you lower your Z height then you might want to back off the layer width to 110%. I presume that is for first layer only. 10 mm/s for first layer is maybe a little slow. I use 15 or 20.

Thank you. I’ll have a go at some of your suggestions tomorrow :+1:t2:. Could you tell me if the brim is meant to look like my photo, as in separate lines of filament in ring, or should it be more ‘melted’ together?

It should be more melted together. That’s what clued me into your Z being high. With 130% first layer it should all be nice and squeezed together. It can also be a clue that your extruder isn’t calibrated right.

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Ok thanks. I’ll try a few different settings and see what happens.

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It seems that the filament are severely pulled during printing. Please check whether the process of filament entering the feed port is smooth. Please check whether the winding of your filament is correct. It is not ruled out that the winding method inside the filament is wrong.

Thanks. I checked and it is fitted as instructed and seems to be moving through fine, but something to keep an eye on :+1:

Hi. I used your suggestions and changed the z height…it is only one move away from the calibration paper not being able to move at all, so I did have to tug it harder to get out, but this seems to have worked. I upped the first layer temp to 210, reduced the first layer width to 110 and increased the first layer speed to 15.

I did a test brim, just to check if it ‘melted together’ and it did. The main print definitely stuck this time and got to the end of the print. In fact, it was hard to prise off and you can see a bit of grey from the sticker is on the bottom.

Now I need to adjust for print quality? The lettering on the bottom was worse with this setting and went more filled in on the ‘D’ and didn’t quite stick for all the the ‘xyz’…the filament did seem to lift up and not stick for the x corners? I have attached a photo of both bases for comparison.

The rest of the the print completed, but the quality isn’t very good. There are still pits and lines of filament with gaps. The arch has a bumpy edge?

I have attached lots of photos, as it is easier to see than explain! Any tips for my next test would be appreciated?


This may be caused by the Slicer software. What version of Snapmakerjs are you using now? How about slice this model with Cura 4.1.0?