I’ve started learning to use the laser module on my Snapmaker 2.0 (the 1600mW one).
For some reason, after starting a job, the laser module ran off to a spot nowhere near the start point of the job and then ran in to the bed … then started cutting at a point off the platform.
The “Home” hadn’t changed and the path had been set using the a background capture from the camera.
All that said … I’ve attempted to recalibrate and the calibration doesn’t seem to finish properly.
Did you have any luck? Because I’ve had nothing but nightmares trying to get through this calibration part. It seems like my camera isn’t calibrating, and the images when trying to get a background is attrocious. Somehow though it was able to take a picture of a piece of paper it had me do on a calibration because it tried lining up at an angle for a job. I had the laser head hitting the plate issue once after a few tries to get this working at all when hitting go to work orgin after setting a good work orgin (maybe because I changed from touchsceen to luben? idk).
I’m worried to even use this thing at this point - I’ve been done quite a bit of IT and worked with design programs as early as 90’s Corel Draw and some basic CAD, and this is more daunting than I could have imagined, unless the camera was already broken or something. The camera capture for the background image is completely broken.
Also, the windows Luben program seems broken vs the mac Luben - like a pre-made design came up and there are more settings/options. I just started trying to engrave a trophy on the windows one but this design and options didn’t automatically come up like the Mac one.
Did you have any luck? Because I’ve had nothing but nightmares trying to get through this calibration part. It seems like my camera isn’t calibrating, and the images when trying to get a background is attrocious. Somehow though it was able to take a picture of a piece of paper it had me do on a calibration because it tried lining up at an angle for a job. I had the laser head hitting the plate issue once after a few tries to get this working at all when hitting go to work orgin after setting a good work orgin (maybe because I changed from touchsceen to luben? idk).
I’m worried to even use this thing at this point - I’ve been done quite a bit of IT and worked with design programs as early as 90’s Corel Draw and some basic CAD, and this is more daunting than I could have imagined, unless the camera was already broken or something. The camera capture for the background image is completely broken.
Also, the windows Luben program seems broken vs the mac Luben - like a pre-made design came up and there are more settings/options. I just started trying to engrave a trophy on the windows one but this design and options didn’t automatically come up like the Mac one.
I had, just awaiting their reply. In the meanwhile I found a very similar laser head story on reddit and someone suggested to just use the CNC bit instead.
Just don’t use the camera background - i don’t think the camera is broken, I think its a Luban software issue. Do not “Start on Luban” to send the job to the printer, the work orgin/everything will cause you mental anguish to set, and cause some smashing of the plate/your basswood or other material with the laser head… The “Send to Device” thing does nothing. Use Luban to generate the GCode and export it to your usb stick and then print from the touchscreen.
Also funny, in the Workspace->Connection screen, the Laser Camera light on my Luban software on a windows pc is yellow, the 1.6W Laser is green. However on my touchscreen and mac, both of them show green.
TLDR: Luban is a lot of problems. I’m even seeing many screenshots of Luban where it doesn’t have several of the buttons/features it seems that others do from what i see in screenshots of Luban, or even for any of the other 3d printing/slicing programs. I can only select 6 things from the library that show up on the home screen, the shapes button is missing, for instance. That’s after a fresh clean install on a PC and a Mac. We’re better off generating gCode from Ultimaker Cura or PrusaSlicer.
I’ve been able to cut out some numbers/letters from the basswood and engrave some things. I’m happy and don’t mind carrying the nice little USB stick 5 feet from my desk.
When you use the USB stick, every job starts dead center of your plate. Centering is not much of an issue if you keep in mind the bars that go the depth of the engraving plate, the distance from the bar to the left of the inner set of 4 screws, to the bar on the right side of those inner set of 4 screws, is exactly 10mm. Also, there is a bar in the plate that stops where the inner screws are. If you go the depth of the board from one end of that cut bar in the plate to the furthest end of the screw on the other end of that bar, it’s exactly 10mm.
Glad to be able to finally use it. Next up, some acrylic CNC or 3D Prints!