Heavy Y Axis Skew

I’ve been using my new A350T for a few days. It worked great for a few days, but this morning I started printing a handful of test models and found it’s started to apply a heavy skew on the Y axis.

Currently printing an axis test cube and it seems to be over-compensating in one direction on certain corners. I’ve also tried re-calibrating multiple times to no success.

I’m planning to test manual jogging and a known-failing print modified to have an extrusion rate of 0 (to confirm the extrusion head isn’t bumping into previously extruded material. Hoping to have this figured out ASAP so I can still return it to Amazon if it’s unfixable…

First failing print:

Second failing print

(Apparently I’m too new to post more than 2 links in a post)

Cube mid-print:

Another Cube update. Looks like it’s not as frequent as the other test print I did, but still pretty bad. This at least confirms it’s not a consistent offset (eg: the Y rails aren’t always moving more positively than negatively)

You need to contact Support. You might have 1 or more weak/bad Linear Modules.

Took off the build platform, ensured both Y rails were aligned at the max position, jogged it to the min position and back multiple times and they stayed aligned. I also ran a few modified prints without extruding and it looked like both in the firmware and reality there was no drift.

Just put the build platform back on and re-calibrated again. Running another test or two to see if the problem magically resolved itself?

I’ll contact support tomorrow if the issue persists.

Something odd I’ve noticed is that the skew seems to occur when there’s a change in the layer’s outline. For example, at the base of the “X”, the tips of the triangles pointing up/down that make up the top/bottom of the “X” and end of the “X” on the test cube.

I think I got it sorted.
I tried printing a few things diagonally to see if the issue was just with specific commands and they didn’t seem to exhibit the artifacts, so next I tried printing at half speed and while there was the stair-stepping skew, it wasn’t nearly as bad as before.
That made it seem like it was a speed issue, so I ran M503 to see if anything was off and it reported an acceleration of 5000m/s^2 instead of the default 1000. Running M502 to restore factory settings and re-calibrating seems to have solved the problem.
I assume something I printed messed with the acceleration and never set it back. I never ran M500, though, so I’m unsure why the settings persisted between power cycles.

First diagonal print:

Second diagonal print at 50% speed:

Normal test print after factory reset:

I’m honestly kinda glad I ran into this issue so quickly. I learned a lot in the debugging process; hopefully this thread will help someone else in the future.

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I have the exact same problem. Now I have to figure out how to do this 502 comand. :slightly_smiling_face:

Use the terminal in Luban workspace and enter M502.
If you want to save your settings enter M500.
You can see your machine settings with M503.