Getting really bad corners on only 1 corner

Ive tried E-steps calibration, XYZ calibration. I M502 back to default settings and still nothing. This morning I printed a near-perfect exact same square so Idk what else to try anymore. When I print a circle it would have little potmarks but only on the backside of the print. Everything else would be fine.

Pics >

Please help.

Mind sharing your settings/filament type/brand?

A totally random guess says you’re going way too hot and way too fast, the corners of the calibration cube are not supposed to be that round, and you definitely shouldn’t have stringing like that in a calibration cube.

Same as @nivekmai said.
What machine do you have, did you have the new linear modules assembled? - There is a firmware bug (M502).

Eryone Petg. 240 nozzle and 80c bed. Speed wise I’m doing 40 mm/s.

A350 and the old linear modules. Bought the machine about a year ago.

Slicer, Settings, maybe gcode?
I guess you are too hot, i print petg with 225°C nozzle and 60°C bed.

Problem solved. The hot end tip was badly manufactured and was not extruding straight down and was coming out sideways. So on one was was extruding into yhe piece on yhe other side was extruding out of the piece. I grinded the tip down a bit and now is good.

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