Trying to come up to speed as quickly and painlessly as possible. I’m new to 3D Printing and Snapmaker-type machines, but I have a lifetime of experiences in technology, specifically writing code for automatic test equipment in my younger days.
I’ve been taking baby steps and printing easy projects. But i came across a project that needed supports, otherwise it would be printing in thin air. I discovered this while the printer was trying to print in thin air
I was running Luban 3.12 and could not for the life of me figure out how to enable the “Generate Automatic Supports” check box. So I downloaded 3.13.0. It was in this new version of SW that I saw the “Manual” supports feature (I didn’t notice it in 3.12 to be honest). Nonetheless, I still could not check the Automatic Generate Support check box. But I was happy to able to add the Manual Supports, even though that tool was very difficult to figure out and use.
So my two questions:
How do I enable the Generate Automatic Support feature? I’ve read other forum entries where the opinion was that I really don’t want the machine to add them and that I need to learn from experience where and when to use them. I would think a good feature would be to have the SW add all the supports it thinks it needs and have the user remove the ones we don’t think it needs.
Is the “Add Manual Support” tool really that hard to use? Or am I missing something? I would think there would be a pretty easy user interface and that it would automatically snap to a spot where a support is needed.
One more side note . . . I think a good option for the manual support tool would be to remove a specific support rather than clear all supports.
To enable supports (or change any other settings from default) you need to choose “customize” under print settings. (In 3.12 and earlier you add to click on the “+” to enable settings changes)
I had selected “Customize”. I do not see a “+”. I do see a down arrow, which I’ve selected for the Support function. That opens up options. But I cannot select the box next to “Generate Auto Support”.
Okay, figured it out. They’ve changed and hadn’t noticed since already using a custom profile.
If you click on the gear it will open a dialog box. Click on a profile and then copy and it will make a new profile. It won’t let you edit the defaults but it will a new one.
Technically it is pre-release.
But it’s not like I’ve found any release to actually be completely stable and not have at least one glaring bug.
Might as well try a new one.
Creating a new profile via copy worked! I’ll send this to the printer once the current print job has completed.
I’ve also been reading that Luban isn’t “all that”. But for the time being, I’ll use it until I reach the limitations and need to switch to something else.