Ich habe mit Lightburn schon mehrere Projekte mit Stock-Firmware gemacht, waren alle gut.
Es geht bei diesem Guide und der Firmware nicht darum, generell Lightburn mit dem Snapmaker zu benutzen - es geht auch darum, ein Feature namens Inline Power zu nutzen.
Um Inline Power zu nutzen, muss eine angepasste Firmware verwendet werden.
Deswegen wird in diesem Guide auch der Laser Controller GRBL-M3 verwendet.
In diesem Post wird das feature erklärt: Full Lightburn Control Guide - #70 by Skreelink
Also: Wenn man nach diesem Guide geht - macht es Sinn die Firmware zu verwenden
Wenn man das Inline Power Feature, welches die Ergebnisse wirklich besser macht, zudem die Arbeit beschleunigt, nicht haben will, sollte man die Basiskonfiguration behalten.
Wenn man ohne die Firmware Anpassung gcode nach diesem Guide erzeugt, ist der nicht zum Snapmaker kompatibel.
Bitte korrigier mich, wenn ich da falsch liege!
I came up with a way to run the files via Wi-Fi without Luban. Although requires connecting once for an auth token.
I haven’t tried the latest official yet. I’ll wait till the dust settles…
EDIT: Latest for 1.15.12 here: Full Lightburn Control Guide - #134 by Skreelink
FUNFAX. The latest official apparently DOES have the inline merged. However, it still has that one merge that breaks turning the laser off during transient lines if power is S0
. So, I built a new version and tested it out, there’s a couple new things to note.
This is built on the, as of writing, latest version 1.15.11, controller version 4.5.22. Thus is compatible with the dual extruder and runs like the previous firmware.
Snapmaker_V4.5.22-SKREE_20230122.bin_20230122.bin.zip (159.6 KB)
You get a nice easter egg on the About Machine screen to make sure you’re using my firmware.
As before, update to the latest on your machine, power cycle, then unzip mine, place the .bin on the USB drive, and print it to update.
Afterwards, it seems they changed the internal X/Y offsets! So you will have to RE-FIND YOUR ORIGIN. Particularly on Y. My X didn’t change at all. My original 0,0 was -6,10. Now my origin seems to be -6,17, so I had to add 7 mm to my old Y origin in my header.
This is great. I’m still waiting with upgrading - the bad news in the firmware discussion thread regarding the 1.15.11 are disturbing.
I’ve read about the horrors and have been testing what I can. So far none of the things have happened to me. The emergency stop crashed the touchscreen once, but still halted the machine, and subsequent tests it functioned properly. I don’t have the purifier, so I can’t test that. I might have a go at downgrading.
EDIT: Definitely downgrading. Whatever they did to the homing sequence to make it faster makes the origin non-repeatable. It just slams the end stop and backs off a little and that’s it, instead of tapping it and retapping it slowly for accuracy.
Thus I’ve downgraded to 1.14.3 and flashed my old firmware again.
Ich bin zu unerfahren, aber kann es sein, dass der Snapmaker mit dem GCode nichts anfangen kann. Der sucht eine .nc
Welchen Denkfehler habe ich mir zu Eigen gemacht?
Es gibt leider keine “genormte” Dateiendung für GCode-Dateien. Für Laser-GCode hat sich .nc eingebürgert, für Fräsprogramme .gcode oder .cnc und für 3D-Druck auch .gcode. Alle drei sind aber lesbare Textdateien mit GCode.Mit anderen Worten: Einfach Dateiendung von .gcode auf .nc umändern und glücklich sein
Hallo und guten Tag.
Ich würde auch gern wunderbare Dinge tun.
Freue mich, dass ich den A350 mit Lightburn verbunden habe. (USB) Die Einstellungen habe ich von den ersten Seiten hier übernommen. Mir ist leider immer noch nicht klar, wo / wie ich die Laserhöhe einstellen kann/ muss.
Für einen Hinweis bin ich dankbar.
PS Du brauchst nicht für mich zu übersetzen, das erledigt Google automatisch für uns.
Make sure in your settings that Z is enabled, and relative is disabled.
Your material height will appear under the cuts/layers section.
A newer version v1.15.12 is now available for download → Snapmaker 2.0 Firmware Updates and Downloads - #21 by Alan
Unless they reverted the homing change, I won’t be using it. With how it slams into the limit switches, repeatable origins are impossible. Plus, since I don’t have a dual extruder, nothing else was changed that I need anyway. (until I get unlazy and make a new build reverting the homing change myself)
EDIT: In addition, the latest version commits still haven’t hit the public repo.
EDIT2: I think I found the commit likely at fault, they reduced the pull away from 3mm to 1mm. My guess is maybe that’s not enough to untrigger the limit switch so it just accepts the first inaccurate result. I’ll try to keep tabs on when they update the public repo and make another build and change that back to 3mm.
They updated the github and I was correct about the pulloff being what broke the repeatable origin. So here’s an updated build.
Snapmaker_V4.5.24-SKREE_20230202.bin_20230202.bin.zip (159.5 KB)
Based on latest github controller version 4.5.24, dated 02/02/23, reverted the 1mm pull back to 3mm, and the other one that breaks turning the laser off. I’ve been using it for a bunch of tests and everything has been good. Updated to 1.15.12 manually via USB drive before flashing my firmware.
Specifically these two commits;
Keep in mind, they hard changed Y offset, I had to increase my Y origin by 7mm.
hello @Skreelink. I still have the previous version inline version from Brent.
If I upgrade to yours, is there any specific to keep in mind or change in lighburn?
I am a bit confused by the Y offset, home bump and other things on the chat.
Basically , the settign I have if just to set up a Marlin printer and print. No header or footer or any other settings.
No, there’s nothing you have to change. Most of the instructions above are to automate most functions. If you don’t use that to plan your projects, then it’s all the same for you. The only thing you might want to change is the machine type to GRBL-M3.
Snapmaker merged a change that reduced the homing bump to 1mm from 3mm. What this does, is when the machine homes, it rapids towards the limit switch. When the switch activates, it stops, backs up the bump distance, then slowly taps the switch again, for accuracy. However, being at 1mm, that wasn’t backing up enough to untrigger the limit switch, so it was just staying where it was, causing inaccuracy. If you use any of my firmwares (the one at the start for 1.14.3 and the latest one I posted was for 1.15.12) you don’t have to worry about it, it’s a problem in stock 1.15.*.
Did you fork the repo? If so, could you provide a URL? I could not find a skreelink in the list of forkers.
No, I’ve not made a fork of it.
Could you please?
Is there a way to combine this with vibration reduction firmware - https://forum.snapmaker.com/t/vibration-compensation-beta-firmware-for-2-0-series-stable-print-quality-at-higher-speed ?