Flexible Filament adapter is needed

I just spent two days with two different types of flexible filament… and I’ve sunk in about $65 US dollars in media trying to get this thing to print. Out of about 1,000 attempts, I got the filament to thread about 4 or 5 times… but the filament would never print. When I draw the filament back out after a successful thread, I can see the end is melted… ( and I got the media to come through the nozzle during filament change) but the nozzle never seems to grab the media when printing… it clicks in a way I never heard while printing PLA. I assume there are some sort of rollers, or something, that feeds the media through the nozzle, but it isn’t finding purchase, so it clicks.

On 99% of my attempts to thread flexible filament, it seems to roll off to the side, and I can jam several inches into the unit… but it is just loose inside there. I assume that this is what JJEstings’ component addresses… but like I said, even after a successful thread, it would not pump any media through the nozzle – which seems like a separate issue altogether.

This is a pretty major oversight in the design of this machine. I’ve been really happy without how well the SM handles PLA… but this is a MAJOR downer for me… Over a year in testing and prototyping, and they never noticed this? I had several projects I wanted to work on that would require flexible media… and because it won’t print flexible media, it has taken a huge bite out of my enjoyment of this machine. It was a long time to wait for this kind of disappointment.

@Snapmaker - Please tell me you have a solution for this…