First layer won't stick

No matter how many times I run ABL, adjust Z offset, or use glue, I can’t get a reliable first layer. When I don’t use glue, the parts don’t stick. And when I do use glue, it just peels off the PEI. I think I have two options. One: print on the bare glass

Two: use painters tape.

Are there any better solutions? I know this is pretty much printing 101, but I am struggling.

I am using PLA, with .2mm layer height for the bed, and no cooling for the first few layers. I am using orca slicer and sending the prints via luban.

Post a pic of a close up of your first layer.

I don’t have a picture close up but the z offset was too close

But even when I had my Z offset right, it wouldn’t adhere to the PEI

@ZT_1234 How would you know the z offset is right if the material doesnt adhere?

I would advise that you stop with the glue. It is not needed.

Clean the bed with soap, hot water and scrubsponge so it’s 100% clean before starting a print. Soap and water is better than wiping the grease/dirt around with IPA.

Set bed temp to 70c for max adhesion.

Lower the nozzle with z-offset until the material sticks.

Never touch the bed with your fingers, it will compromise adhesion.

I was using dawn soap to clean the plate, and the bed temp was 70°

@ZT_1234 Just lower the nozzle with z-offset until the material sticks???

I had a good amount of squish and it still didn’t stick

@ZT_1234 assuming your speed and nozzle temp is reasonable and the bed is clean, there shouldnt be an issue to get PLA to stick. I suggest another thorough cleaning of the bed using very hot water and a scrub sponge. Then try again with less z-offset.

In the rare case of a partially clogged extruder, you would also have problems getting the material to stick, but I don’t think that’s the issue here.

I print with ASA and HIPS on the smooth glass side. I use hairspray to get good adhesion. Warm the plate to about 50 deg C or so, pop it out, put down 2 or 3 light coats of Aquanet, then pop it back in.

I also print on the glass side, and use Elmer’s Disappearing Purple Glue Stick. Never had an issue since (at least with PLA and all it’s variants).

Was going crazy before that with similar issues.

The glue stick also comes off super easy with a bit of water and soap (I have some water and dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle I quickly wipe over when the print is done). Don’t even have to clean it well any more.

Just be careful you don’t use too much, I find a bet around each corner of the print is enough as it can stick really well.

That’s what I have been doing and my prints come out well, but I do prefer textured PEI, like I use on my ender. I use glue stick on my ender and the first layers are flawless. I sometimes have issues removing prints, especially those with large first layers. I usually use the fridge, but on my enders PEI plate, I can usually pop the print off even before it cools.

Well, I still have zero issues with what I wrote here - Bref works like a charm for me, no glue or whatever needed.

I just give mine a clean with isopropyl alcohol from time to time. Dish soap then IPA if it’s built up goop.

Otherwise it’s probably my z offset being slightly low.