I’ve had my Artisan for a little over a year now and have never had many problems.
However, I’ve recently been having adhesion problems on the glass print bed. Even when I print projects that I’ve printed before with the same settings and the same material.
I have these problems with all the materials I have available - the first layer looks perfect, but later it partially or completely lifts off the print bed.
Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
Have you cleaned thew glass from time to time?
If you’re using glue or spray, clean it with soapy water and rinse off, dry, then apply more glue/spray.
Did you change anything regarding your Z-Offset? With glass beds, I find it somewhat difficult to get the squish-down exactly right, and usually when in doubt squiched a bit more than less, i.e. lowered the nozzle a tad more than might look prudent.