Adhesion problems on the glass print bed

Hello everyone,

I’ve had my Artisan for a little over a year now and have never had many problems.

However, I’ve recently been having adhesion problems on the glass print bed. Even when I print projects that I’ve printed before with the same settings and the same material.

I have these problems with all the materials I have available - the first layer looks perfect, but later it partially or completely lifts off the print bed.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?


Have you cleaned thew glass from time to time?
If you’re using glue or spray, clean it with soapy water and rinse off, dry, then apply more glue/spray.

Perhaps try printing with a brim too.

Hello TK4132,

thanks for your quick reply.

yes, before every print the glass is cleaned in the same way and with the same cleaner. I have never used spray or glue.

I always print a brim too


Did you change anything regarding your Z-Offset? With glass beds, I find it somewhat difficult to get the squish-down exactly right, and usually when in doubt squiched a bit more than less, i.e. lowered the nozzle a tad more than might look prudent.

Actually, I haven’t changed the Z-offset at all, but it’s a good idea that I’ll test today and simply lower the Z-offset a bit.

You can do, what i am doing before every print after switching back to printing (from CNC or engraving).

I start a printjob with a simple first layer print with 100x100mm. During this print (with zig-zag pattern instead of lines) i am adjusting the z-height using the menu on the display.

Once i am satisfied i leave it as it is. So far all my following prints showed a perfect first layer.
Maybe it’s a method which works for your bed as well.

You could even increase the size of the pattern to get uneven bed parts checked.
And make sure you have the right temperature and printing slow. I would guess that on the glass bed it requires slower speed than on the PEI side.

Try 3DLAC spray.


I got it, I set the Z offset down by 0.02mm

Adhesion problems are common among glass build plates. When I first setup my Artisan I had a similar problem. I used the adhesive and no luck. I suspect the temperature (where you are printing) is part of the issue why it has a problem now and not before. I researched the filament manufacturer’s website and played with the initial build layer temp settings. I set the temp on the hot side of the manufacturers recommended settings and had good results. I use the enclosure which helps keep the temperature more stable. You might also try playing with different support Rafts etc. It makes me think when things are working to keep an eye on what the ambient temp is and adjust the filament temp up or down on the next build.