For sometime now in every print job, during the skirt, the first inch or so is missing, not extruding. Have done the extruder calibration, bed leveling, etc., but it looks like the extruder is failing for the first inch or so, then is ok. Checked the flow settings, first layer thickness and so fourth, all the same since day one. Any ideas? Is my extruder dying?
Did you check if the nozzle is clogged?
Yes of course, just the first inch o so doesn’t extrude. But right now I feel like a dumbo, after trying everything I can think off, even changing nozzle and heating element, decide to try something else besides Cura.
Downloaded Luban the latest version just to verify that my issues is the same on different softeare and got a big surprise, everything works just fine as it should, including bed leveling and z height, was having all kinds of issues with that, believe it or not Luban came to the rescue. Appreciate your post.