Extrusion issue, and setting z height,

More or less my A350 is running good, little issues here and there. Sometime ago I calibrated the extruder to 245, today I was trying to verify if that is still the case. Opened Luban, did all commands and extruded 100mm, to my surprise I had 17mm left of the 100, which will put me at E302, isn’t that number too high? First layers of print I see too much PLA, thinking it was an extrusion issue, I’m confused here, so went back to the original value of E212.21, and take it from there, do a couple of more tests.
Any advice is highly appreciated.
One more question, back to the first layer issue, my first layer is set to 0.2 on a 2.4mm print, If the layer is 0.2, how is it that setting the z-height could be less or more than that, any relation here/
Sorry if that is a dumb question.


Extruder E-steps Calibration (Teaching Tech)

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Hey, will read on it carefully, thank you!!

verify with a “M503” on terminal window your e-steps
once you have done your math enter
E92 EXXX.XX (mine is 249.37 and remains steady even with a new nozzle)
you will get a confirmation then be sure and enter M500 to accept and save
power down your SM Machine then power up and do a M503 to be sure your changes is saved, you will have to re-enter e-steps any time you upgrade firmware. they should not change unless you change a nozzle or replace the extruder - you will have to recalibrate the extruder again.

Two things I don’t remember doing, was to power down and back up, and double check when updating firmware. I also changed the nozzle and the heating element at one point, never thought that it can also play a roll, Thank you so much, will start again from scratch, appreciated!

Hey bmcall, just started my machine and launched Luban, saw something strange on the text on black window that shows, there a line that reads, “others < Apply Z offset: -0.25” which I have not setup as a default, don’t see the need for it either, how can I make sure it doesn’t apply it as a default, this might the cause of my issues.

After dealing with a few issues for a bit, decided to install latest Luban version, all went back to normal, bed level, extrusion issues, and a couple of little things. Somehow Cura went bunkers on me, might try to unistall it and start fresh, or maybe is juts its preferences got corrupted. Right now all seems to go according to plans and settings on Snapmaker are honored again, strange but Luban got me out of troubles this time.

Sorry guys if I’m writing too much about this but my comments might hep someone. After using Luban without problems, decided to play with Cura again, is bugging me to no end, need to find the cause of my issues. Went back to one firmware update on the SM and one version back on Cura and all is back to what it was before having issues. In the end, using Cura v4.13 and SM firmware update V1.13.2 (Sep, 13, 2021) and all back to smooth operation, happy again, hope it is of value to someone.

Sorry Marcos have been away for a bit, looks like you have resolved your issue, I was thinking on an initial read that you had adjusted your “Z” offset at some point to the .25" which is possibly right for the final step in the auto level? .25" being a 1/4" it seems high for the final adjustment as its 6mm approx, and way too much for baby stepping, but depending on how your sensor is set up it may be realistic. not quite sure, I just went thru an adjustment issue with my sensor after I cleaned my hotend as it was driving it into the bed I had inadvertently moved the sensor adjustment and really set me back for a bit until I came on here and asked the question of the community, never feel bad for adding to a discussion, we all need to learn and all want to get better!

Please be aware that certain versions of firmware add new hardware tests and fixes to the machine. If you are experiencing issues AFTER upgrading the firmware, it most likely means that your machine is experiencing a hardware failure that the newer firmware is detecting. By switching back to a previous version you are simply masking the failure. You are not helping yourself by doing this, you are actually hurting yourself, especially if your machine is still under warranty.

If anyone has the URGE to switch back to a previous version on firmware, DON’T!

Immediately contact Support to see if they can address your issue. If your Snapmaker is still under warranty, and you delay contacting Snapmaker until after your machine is OUT-OF-WARRANTY, they you will need to cover the costs of any failed parts.

Sorry, but SM has a long history of buggy firmware and Luban releases. I think I’ve yet to see an update that doesn’t break at least one thing even if it’s fixing several others.

It is important to report problems either to Github or email support so that they do know there is a problem and hopefully fix it. But it’s ludicrous to suggest someone should put up with a non-functioning machine if reverting the firmware fixes it.

The new firmware does appear to do some detecting, so it’s good to be aware of that and to make sure it isn’t a hardware problem that is being triggered.


I specifically stated that you should contact Support. Let Support handle the issue, instead of brushing it under the rug and telling others to do the same. By not contacting Support you are hurting yourself, and others, if you tell others to rollback.

Hey, your answer sounds logical but to me not practical. In the event that a firmware is causing the problem on the A350 and not the F unit, basically telling me that my machine worth nothing. As I stated, tried to do everything suggested here but new firmware broke my machine kind of, went back and all is fantastic, no issues with z height or first layer issues I had.
Having said that, will contact support hoping I don’t get the same answer as my friend with the same machine, “oh, we can offer you a 10% discount on the new rails”, a little bitter pill.
Thank for your comment.

Hardware failure is just an excuse, no hardware failure here, it did worked as advertised prior to updating firmware, which I see the logic if you bought the T model, not A. I mean no disrespect to you.