First FDM Print - Failed with Error - Extruder is continuously pulled up

HI All,

I tried my first dual-nozzle FDM print today, a fairly basic design that needed support filament on the first 80ish layers but then was essentially a single nozzle print above this layer.

Started OK, made it to the top of the support layers, switching nozzles just fine. Then it started the upper layers with just the PLA printing, this is about 1.5hrs into a 5 hour print, it managed about 20 layers of this then aborted with the error:

The Extruder is Continuously pulled up and printing is paused.

I took a look at the situation inside the enclosure and nothing seemed wrong, the last layer had printed fine and the model looked good. The extruder head had moved to one side (seems to do this in response to an error) and there was a little bit of ooze from the nozzle. So I tapped the confirm button. Then the print head moved back to the model and gave another error:

Calibration Sensor Abnormally Triggered

Again I clicked the Confirm button and the head started to print again but nothing was coming out of the nozzle. So I pushed the filament from the spool end and felt it slip about 5mm and it seemed to engage the drive gear again and start printing. So it seems like the filament had somehow snapped above the drive gear? Or perhaps been ground down by the drive gear?

Any idea what causes this and how to avoid it? Pretty diappointed for my first print.

Sadly it happened again, with much more catastrophic results, I just came back to find it stopped on 75% complete and the same error, but this time the model was knocked over. No idea how this can be happening.

I’m using the Snapmaker provided PLA with all the default settings.

One said first, dual extruder printing is not the easy way to start the journey.

How is your filament fed to the extruder? It must be easily pulled by the extruder gears, any additional not needed force should be prevented.
Do you see any underextrusion artefacts from the pulled extruder?

No under-extrusion. Model seems perfect right upto the point of failure, this was on the ‘Fast’ setting in Luban, 0.24mm layer height. Looks like the head crashed into the model - but why would it be down that low?

Makes no sense. Don’t know where to start diagnosing this one. Doesn’t seem to be a result of dual-extrusion as those lower layers printed fine, the top of the model is single nozzle.

To eliminate the possibility that dual-extrusion was in any way responsible, I have restarted using the regular PLA as support material, a full single-extruder print. Will report back in a few hours…

May share the gcode for analysis?
Print looks pretty perfect.
Did the model detach from support or bed?

Sure I’ll upload shortly.

I have been scouring the web for some answers, someone suggested the stock ‘breakaway’ filament supplied with the Artisan is not great quality and can expand very quickly after printing. This may have caused the model to rise upwards as it sat on the build plate, causing back-pressure on the nozzle and eventually fouling the nozzle. That’s my working hypothesis anyway.

Recently I printed rainbow-pla with petg support, printed pretty well in the end but had to set the petg temp about 20°C higher as (for me) normal because of clogging.
So, decide well which support to use, pva, breakaway pla or petg…

Sadly I am continuously having this problem on larger prints. It always restarts just fine but I can’t leave a print unattended.

You mentioned about it being ‘easy to pull’ the filament. I’ve got it set up as stock and the filament seems to be easy to pull, are there any recommended mods/adjustments to make the pull easier?

I’m beginning to think this is a faulty sensor. It’s done it 8 times now on an otherwise perfect print.

I’ve been sitting with it for about an hour now and I’ve noticed it also sometime errors, the buzzer on the controller sounds and the screen flashes red, but then it continues. See video attached - blink and you’ll miss it, about half way through. Defintely a marginal sensor reading.

Where is the sensor for this and is there any way to adjust it?

You have the old dual extruder design which should be updated.
Search your emails for coupon, the replacement kit should be for free.

Is this error a runout message? - There are spare runout sensors and a new dual extruder door in the kit.
This is how the new door looks like:

Check up the shop and search for dualextruder replacement kit.

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Well, I never knew! All those emails went to my ‘Promotions’ folder in Gmail. Thank you! I have ordered it now.