Firmware update?

I hope you can see the picture of my touchscreen.
I get this message every time I turn the machine on.
I have been on the website but can’t find firmware specifically for the laser module and the firmware is otherwise up to date.
Perhaps it thinks I’ve got a 10w laser on my A150!

You need the “firmware update” that you can find here

At a certain version you had to rerun the update for every toolhead. Even though your controller is already up to date, just rerun it and you should be good to go.

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i had already tried the firmware download but the file (Snapmaker2_v1.14.2.bin) only opens with the VLC media player which of course cant do anything with it.
I cant find a way to run it.

Aha! The tie clip in the tool box isn’t a tie clip after all! :blush:
I found the USB stick everyone is talking about. Its about the only thing without a label!

I think I now know what do… tomorrow.


All done now.

  1. take the tie/paper clip (USB stick!) out of its plastic box and plug it into the computer.
  2. download the firmware and drag or paste the file into the USB drive.
  3. plug the USB stick into the bottom slot on the controller
  4. turn on the printer. Swipe left on the touchscreen.
  5. click Files. click USB at the bottom of the screen
  6. click on the file that you have just downloaded. Wait for it to update, restart the machine without the USB stick. The message to update the module firmware should not appear.

Isn’t it a bit odd that the controller knows the firmware needs updating but can’t do it automatically when you click “check for updates”.

Hope this helps other confused Newbies.


I got the same problem and the usb-port is not working.
