Error 409 Preventing Prints

When I try to print, after the file transfer on the screen of the Snapmaker reaches 100% it always says “Error 409 Unable to start job”. I have no clue what is causing this and I have tried all the basic fixes both in the software and the actual machine. The machine was working fine until this and this problem isn’t occasional it happens with any file I try. Any ideas on how to fix this issue?

My only suggestion is to stop using luban, its horrible software. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

Did you try quitting and restarting luban and cycling power on SM? Restart your computer?

Are you slicing in Luban or just using it to transfer?

Need to share your settings and g-code and possibly the stl file to be able to help any more than that.

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@QazPoq Did this error occur when you freshly started your machine?
I guess you are connected with USB and you did something on the touchscreen, like you are in jog menu?
This would cause the touchscreen to lock some communication, because you are doing something.

BTW which firmware and version of Luban you are using?- Try the latest from the forum and check again :wink:


And then try the next to last version and try again. Firmware 1.9 and Luban 3.8 are the most stable.


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