Dual Extruder Problems & Gripes Mega Thread

Oh i gethca.

I was about to monkey with it now, and decided to ask GPT on discord.

They said:

> What is the proper G-code to prime nozzle 2 on a 3d printer
The proper G-code to prime nozzle 2 on a 3D printer will depend on the specific printer and firmware being used. However, a common method is to use the G-code command "G92 E0" to reset the extruder position, followed by the command "T1" to switch to nozzle 2, and then the command "G1 E10 F100" to extrude 10mm of filament at a speed of 100mm/min to prime the nozzle.

I am going to try this method instead for fun. I was building the tool into the extruder line, but he is saying to call the tool first.

So I have it now:

M425 X0.000 Y0.000 Z0.035 F1 S0

M104 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; Set Extruder 0 (Left) Temperature
M104 S[extruder1_temperature] T1 ; Set Extruder 1 (Right) Temperature
M140 S[bed0_temperature] ; Set Heated Bed Temperature
G28 ; Go to Home Position
G90 ;Absolute Positioning Mode
M109 S[extruder0_temperature] T0 ; Wait for Extruder 0 (Left) Temperature
M109 S[extruder1_temperature] T1 ; Wait for Extruder 1 (Right) Temperature
M190 S[bed0_temperature] ; for time to wipe nozzle clean prior to start
G1 X-10 Y-10 F5000 ;Shift Module on X and Y to Bottom Left Corner (Outside Print Area)
G1 Z0 F1800 ; Lower Module to Bed (for Corner Knocking the Prime Extrusion)

T0 ;Set Extruder O (Left) to Active Extruder
G92 E0 ;Set Extruder 0 (Left) Position to Zero (Pre-prime)
G1 E45 F200 ;Feed Extruder 0 (Left) Filament 200 MM at 45 (Priming)
G92 E0 ;Set Extruder 0 (Left) Position to Zero Again (Post-prime - Ready to print)

T1 ;Set Extruder 1 (Right) to Active Extruder
G92 E0 ;Set Extruder 1 (Right) Position to Zero (Pre-prime)
G1 E45 F2000 ;Feed Extruder 1 (Right) Filament 200 MM at 45 (Priming)
G92 E0 ;Set Extruder1 (Right) Position to Zero Again (Post-prime - Ready to print)

Let’s see how she does.

I wanted to mention something else regarding my TPU complaints.

Snapmaker said to me I have to use 90a or stiffer flexible material. This is really not great for me, but even the 90A was wrapping around my gears.

I responded to them mentioning this, and they said I have to use 92a or 95a instead.

Is this really how we are going to handle this? Give me a spec, then change it when I mentioned I was using it already?

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Yup. That’s about it. They really have addressed all the issues in a meaningful way. I guess I’d like to see them print with TPU and show us it was actually tested at this point. I don’t think they did.

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