Dual extruder printing in air on second layer

I calibrated the dual extruder nicely, printed the test model but when i slice a dual color object it starts with the prime tower then the first extruder prints the first layer. It switches to the second extruder for the next. But with the next layer the first extruder is printing in the air ( roughly 1 cm too high ).
Happened with the firmware V2.0.7 with both models i tried then reverted back to V1.15.12 recalibrated it and still the same happens. Both models sliced in luban 4.5.1 . Gcode looks fine when loading it in a gcode viewer. So what could be wrong?

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I had the exact same issue with 2.0.8. Problem went away when I installed 1.15.12. (printing with the same gcode file)

Well, now it just did it with 1.15.12. It printed fine again and now….same problem again. It almost seems random.

My display told me there was s new version 1.15.13 so i installed that. But still all the calibrations are ok . Also the test print is ok. But every print i make it is going up after the first extruder switch.

My success was short lived. It’s now happened also on 1.15.12 and 1.15.13. It also did it to me this morning running the Z Offset Calibration squares. Always does it on the second layer after going back to the first extruder. Can’t figure out what causes it. There’s a new 1.15.15 available on the controller this morning. Trying my luck with that but it seems to freeze up when the dual extrusion module is connected. Sigh

strangely enough i had some luck today as i did every calibration again and started a model with my phone in the hand to film it happening again. It suddenly printed also the second layer fine. Only having set the speed in Cura too high so it failed during printing. now again trying a benchy with two colors to see if it will print

I have had the same problems with a 2 material model. I asked the Snapmaker support how I can arrange the 2 model with one model starting not at Z=0 but Z= 50 f.e… The answer was that Luban can’t do this in the actual version and I should: “… use 3D builder software to set the corresponding heights of the two files, and then generate the stl file. Then import the generated stl file into Luban.”
As I have some experience with other 3D-Printers I have also SIMPLIFY3D what is a very good slicer that support also the Snapmaker Artisan (got the FFF profile from Simplify3D support) and Dual printing. With this I was able to align the 2 models and create G-Code that works on the Artisan very good !


I also got a dual extruder for my snapmaker 2.0 and i am having the same problem, any solution ?

What i observed that it has an z offset for the second layer, after that everything is fine, if i adjusted the z offset during the print -0.2 mm when the second layer starts everything is fine otherwise it prints the secont layer in the air, and everyhing else is fine aftterwards.

Any solution to this ?

Hi Amar,
I also need to adjust the z offset for the second extruder a bit lower than the first one. I recall that more people have this so it is just a little offset of one of the gears in the back of the extruder. When it is set that way untill you recalibrate it will remember the setting so i don’t think you need to worry about it too much.

The start of this thread was where the second extruder would print 1 cm too high out of the blue. It has not happened any more after a later firmware version. Although i am not printing so much dual colour prints lately.

It’s due to drag on your filament. The 1cm change is about the max height change the nozzle can move.