Dual Extruder First Print

I’ve installed Dual Extruder and the latest firmware and went through the auto Z & X/Y calibration process reasonably successfully. So I went to print this tower for my next D&D game:

First oddity, is that when I set the right extruder to print the raft and support, suddenly this cylinder object appears on the print platform:

I can’t move or delete it so I just decide to go ahead with the print. 74 hours later (72 hours predicted), I had this mess:

I probably would have killed the print quickly but the center of it looked solid so I let it keep going. When it finished and I finally pulled off all the extraneous fiber it looked pretty good, but pulling off all those little fiber bits was worse than pulling silk strands off corn on the cob.

Any suggestions on what I could do to print something that wastes a lot less material?

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look for the benchy boat, it is a small benchmark test that lets you identify problems in your printing profile. In your case you seem to have problems with stringing and oozing of the inactive nozzle.

First thing to do would be to dry your filaments, especially the breakaway filament. Then you should check temperature, flow, z-hop and travel speed. those settings will affect your stringing problem.

less temp - less stringing
less flow - less oozing
high z-hop >0.4mm more stringing, less ooze blobs
no z-hop less stringing, more ooze blobs.
zhop 0.2 mm is a good start.

retract should be around 0-2mm

travelspeed as fast as possible - 180mm/s
combing can be experimented with, I keep it off, if the profile is good.

My settings for the snapmaker breakaway. didnt change much, most problems disapeared after drying the filament over night.
flow 100%
retract 1mm @ 35mm/s
zhop 0.2mm
retract at extruder change 2mm, more can possibly cause clogs!

The tower is a purge tower for nozzle change btw.