I send this post really disappointed by the release of the 4.1.1 Luban. This version is dangerous for the CNC part of the machine I think, for multiple reasons, I would suggest not downloading it for the moment.
The reasons:
Impossible to change the speed of the machine before starting it. Because the velocity is not set immediately but after the current command is finished, it is impossible to start a job safely.
Impossible to set the origin on the software with the buttons, you need to disconnect the machine set the zeros and connect it back
Impossible to load an external gcode on the workspace. To load it you have to start the job on luban and stop it, but because the stop command is not immediate and need to finish the current command, you can crash really dangerously your bits on the working plate ! Extremely dangerous.
The numbers of the grid hide the gcode you are running.
The time for the progress of the gcode is not displayed.
These are the first bug I found by using the machine, and some of them were close to injuring me! Even if I’m used to work with this machine. I feel really disappointed by this release and think that Snapmaker should be more careful with the software development instead of rushing the release of new addons to sell more products.
I just downloaded it. I’m about to 3d print however I noticed that the generated g- code is not showing in the work space after exporting it there. Now I’ll have to press a preview button at the right side menu which then open up a new window. Then what is the point with the huge work space area?
I downloaded and installed it before reading this post… After starting it, I found all my custom filament and printer quality settings are gone… Thanks… I think, switching back to an older release won’t bring these back… -.-
Trying to engrave a logo into a pvc type board, using CNC, the (x/y) axis just goes, doesn’t know that it’s past the workspace and keeps going until it crashes on the end of the machine and keeps hitting the end of the axis.
I suppose I’ll be rolling back as well, this is unfortunate - I hope it didn’t damage the machine.