Hello, I recently purchased a snapmaker original on ebay. The issue is, the work area is extremely small. I was wondering if anyone has tried to make their own custom DIY linear modules for the snapmaker original? I found the following online: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2990451
But that’s only the exterior and doesn’t include the internal stepper motor or electronics. Has anyone tried to make their own in order to customize the work area size? If so, where do you get the internal electronics/hardware from? I don’t want to sacrifice the original linear module as I do like the portability/miniature size, I want to build my own linear modules so that I can switch the CAN hub and tool heads to a bigger work area when I want to. Any advice on how to get started? Thank you
I looked in the Firmware a while ago, and the firmware does support arbitrary module lengths using the M1025 [X|Y|Z]<length_in_mm> commands.
You might try emailing support@snapmaker.com to see if they still have any extended Z axises in stock, or if they’re willing to sell you the parts. It’s been hit or miss if they still have Original parts available. The link above was a request for SnapMaker to open source the Original schematics. AFAICT, they never did.
I recall people doing some big mods to their linear modules to make them quieter and more powerful. The link does have a lot of links to other forums posts that would likely be of interest. There were also several posts on the forum about how to safely disassemble and reassemble the linear modules. If you’re careful, you should be able to disassemble, catalog parts, and reassemble. Once you’ve got the catalog and dimensions, that should be enough. AFAICT, all of the parts they used to build the SM are available on Alibaba. If I had to guess, I’d say the linear module body is the only thing you can’t buy there.
[Edit to add] My original plan to get a larger work area was to use the snapmaker to print a RepRap.
Thank you guys. I was able to acquire 3 Z extensions from eBay and support@snapmaker.com, I also purchased an extra controller and screen. Snapmaker gave me the specs for the threaded rod inside the linear rail: Diameter: 8mm Pitch: 2mm Lead: 8mm. I found them on Amazon, and they have them all the way up to 600mm: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CQJPBMR3?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1. Which means I can make the workspace bigger than even the Artisan!
If this works, then I’d have a much bigger workspace for CNC and lasercutting. I’m still trying to figure out if I can do the same for 3D printing. Does anyone have suggestions on how to etiher acquire a bigger heated bed that won’t fry the circuitry, or make your own 3D printing bed?
Update: the linear rails have arrived and they fit perfectly. The specs look good and this looks promising! Here’s a photo of the new linear rails next to the original. The original looks tiny in comparison.
I still need to print out the exterior. I noticed the link that contained the files for the exterior is missing the front strip, so I created my own. I also modified the second shell block because it ends in a position that makes it not easily repeatable. So now I can add as many shell modules as I want until I get to the right length, and then join them all together in Fusion 360.
I will update this page once I have everything printed out (will need to print out in segments and use super glue, unless I get access to a mill with a big enough workspace).