COM Surrogate Error on STL File after using in Luban

Has anyone else had issues when opening a STL in Luban and generating GCODE and when complete, Exit and if you try to delete the STL file you get a File Locked Error - COM Surrogate. After using it in Luban something in the program is leaving the Filed Locked. If I try to edit the model in Fusion and re-save the STL over the one used in Luban it’s not possible.
Only way to fix it is to restart Windows and it unlocks the files. No other program appears to be causing this. I have deleted and re-installed Luban and it does not go away.

Help > > > > >

Win 11 and latest Luban 4.14 here, no problem if i load a stl into Luban, process it, quitt Luban, open up the stl in paint3d.
Don´t know why you open the stl with Fusion but tested as well, same behaviour, no problem.

I Don’t open stl in fusion I open the model modify it and then export the STL and get the error that the current stl is locked - com surrogate error. I then have to rename the stl file to *.old so I can save the modified stl with the same name.

Try saving over your current copy. Opening is not a problem it’s when you update the stl and try to resave it your get the COM surrogate error as the file is locked due to a left open process.

This happens a lot when printing Carbon fiber and Heat Treatable tough materials trying to estimate the shrink rate of the item during heat treat. So it’s not an easy percentage shrink rate across the board its variable based on surface area, the direction of printed lines. Hole locations and diameters are somewhat difficult to guess when designing the part.

I tested once more, loaded stl into Luban 4.14, generated a gcode, loaded into workspace and quitt Luban.
Stl is not protected and i can rename it in the file-browser.

Even saved the project without any problems to rename…

Sorry, cant reproduce here on Win11 machine.