Cant get front to back Z alignment

Same problem here. The heated plate is not exactly flat.

Fix #1 - Do the rails so the bed is steady.

Fix #2 - take some brims from a prints and use them as a wedges until you get a good print. I created a single layer square that goes to about an inch from the edge all the way around and I print that to see where the wedges need to go.

Fix #3 - aftermarket glass plate.
(ordered and waiting for
(Currently using Snapmaker A350 Creality Glass 310x310 Holding Brackets by rvanemon - Thingiverse)

I don’t know of a better “fix”. I really miss the manual leveling on my Ender 3. So much easier to adjust if it is just a bit off. And massively less time consuming.

Note - I have had several comments in the past about how the company should fix it (on other issues), and, I don’t disagree, but, that is a dog that may never hunt, so, juryrig is my go to.

Good luck.