I’m preparing grafics for laser cut with LightBurn. Then create a gcode file and load it into Luban.
It is displayed in the workspace - everything ok.
Now I want to send it to the A350 via WiFi ----- and ----- nothing !!
I cannot send it!
The gcode file is correct, because I can cut it direct from Luban.
The same procedure works in 3D printing and CNC mode.
There I’m using Simplify3D or Fusion360 to create a gcode file.
No problem to send it via Luban, via WiFi to the A350.
What is the difference between Laser cut and 3Dprint / CNC?
Sure ! The file format is correct. It was created by LightBurn and the extension is *.gcode.
The problem is not “loading in Luban” - this works.
The gcode is interpreted correct and is shown on the workbench.
(like gcode files I created in Simplify3D or Fusion360 for 3D or CNC)
But I cannot send the Laser file to the machine A350 itselfe.
For 3D printing an CNC the WiFi sending works
So I cannot understand why WiFi sending for Laser do not work.
As I said if the extension is .gcode that is not correct.
For the Luban to send to the SM (or read from a usb) it needs to end in .nc. It will load to the workspace but it won’t send. The laser head also needs to be connected.