I would like to create a file in Lightburn, set up the cuts etc and export the Gcode into Luban so I can then print to my A350 via WiFi. Does anyone know how to do this? I can’t seem to find out how to import Gcode into Luban. I figured out how to export Gcode out of Lightburn.
Not familar with using the laser yet, but regarding g-code
if you connect to your machine, take a look at this crude picture
Hopefully this helps you somehow, sorry i dont know the laser at all yet, been so busy playing with the printer.
You could try using the wifi method others developed in the forum to avoid using Luban and send directly to the printer.
You also need to change the extension on the lightburn file to .nc after saving if you haven’t already.
No reason to avoid luban for sending via wifi.
It’s probably the .nc issue.
There’s a lot of info on using lightburn on this forum. Try a search.
I’m gonna guess that WiFi transfer procedures applies to Windows machines only? I’m running a Mac.
I use mac and luban for wifi transfer with no problems.
Except for having to hit the allow to connect whenever I cycle power it works great.
Wow - didn’t know that was possible. Can you point me in the right direction on how I can set this up?
Load g-code to the workspace in Luban. Either create in luban or in another program and drag and drop.
In the workspace you just connect to your mac over wifi.
It will say screen authorization needed. Accept on hand controller.
Then you just click on ‘send to device via wifi’
It will ask on SM if you want to start.
CNC files need to end in .cnc, laser in .nc, 3d in .gcode
Appropriate toolhead needs to be connected too,