Calibration pushing deep into buildplate

Hope this article helps.

@xchrisd and I got this fixed for @Steener. It wasn’t the probe. The converters were swapped and it started working.

:hot_face: :hot_face: It is difficult to say this is a user fault or a manufacturer one.

It is not sure, the converters should be the same.
Obviously they aren’t :wink:

FWIW, I printed out quick release backplates for the modules from Now if the unit decides to crash into the bed it simply pushed the module up and out of harms way. Happened to me with the laser module once when I was testing out Lightburn. The head drove into the bed and pushed the module up.

do you worry about wiggle / variation etc for 3d prints or does it seem to not be an issue?

Doesn’t seem to be an issue, the modules are fitted in very tightly in the X and Y axis, and since they never touch (in theory ) the part or bed the Z axis is fine.