Calibration and heating head not working after update

Not sure what happened. After the update today my 3D is not working. The head is not heating and the calibration gives an error. Worked fine before it. Any suggestions?

You have to follow the instructions on the touchscreen, it says you have to calibrate the bed, if you start a job.
Anyway, you have to calibrate your bed because of lost grid because of the firmwareupdate.

Thank you for your email. Still having problems heating up. It was giving an error when I tried to calibrate it, following instructions. The message was an error and contact customer support. After a few hours I was able to finish calibration without error, I did not change anything, it just completed. However the bed and the head are not heating. I also tried for a long time, trying to just heat, to print from display, from computer but nothing happens. Keeps in -30/0

Not sure why shows -30 degrees, it is pretty warm here. Please advise.

It seems your thermistor is faulty, may share pictures?
Double check your connectors.

I am a user like you, no snapmaker staff.

Thank you so much! I didn’t realize you are a user. I replaced the head, hopefully it works. Trying the laser cutter now to reduce the frustration :slight_smile: thank you again!

For the printing module it seems you have to open a support ticket…