Broken down linear module

One of my Z axis linear modules has completely stopped working.
I’ve swapped it out with another module, i tried connecting it without the splitter but it refuses to move.
I even checked to see if the silicone pad was where it was supposed to be. The module is not harder to move than the others, as I’ve seen people mention.

When I press home, it takes a LONG time for the printer to try to home the Z axis, which makes me think that the module is working (as in it’s giving feedback to the printer) but the motor is not.

I’ve tried contacting support but they’ve not answered my emails in over 2 weeks.

Sorry to hear about that. It’s a Chinese holiday until the 8th, that may be part of the reason support hasn’t answered you, but they should be more responsive for sure.

When you said you swapped the linear modules, the problem stayed with Z axis? or it followed the module to whichever new axis it was plugged in to?

If it stays with the Z axis, that’s really weird and is making me think there is an issue in the main controller that is not sending steps? But you said it does move slowly?? Very weird.

I swapped it with the X axis to see if that was the problem, but it still didn’t move (the broken module, not the Z axis)

yep, I heard / read this, as well, about the holyday(s). Why do they have holidays that last multiple days? :smiley:

I am waiting, as well.
I have a broken linear module, as well.

Waiting since 10-02-2020

The 10 th of February?

MM-DD-YYYY so it´s the second of October

In the rest of the world we do DD-MM-YYYY or when there’s potential for misunderstanding we do YYYY-MM-DD.

One of my linear modules also stopped working. It is not a thermal problem as it does not work after several hours. Send an email to support a week ago but stil no resolution nor an answer.

Got a response this week. They are sending me a new module.


I’ve had the same thing happen to me! Its been 19 days since they have responded. Completely in over their heads with defective product.

Now I have also the same problem…
Did you have to send the complete printer back for that problem?
I´m a bit scarred of that…

No you dont have to send the hole thing back. write at describe your problem as good as you can, tell what you have done already and wait fot their answer. good luck!

If I am thinking about all the bad linerarmodules - At what time do they gone bad?
In the first days, weeks, monthts - will say when they are working for a few months, you can say they are good? or not? What is your experience?

For me, it was evident quickly in one case, in others it took some heavy use, but so far i have had no issues with any replacement modules.

i have had issues with 4 of the originals though.

@MooseJuice that sounds terrible!!!
Well in my case it was my 10. print or so… I didn´t had that much time to print many things until now…
I hope i will not regret this…

Thankyou for your fast answer!
Yes I already wrote to the support.
What is with the old linear motor?
I hope they will send me a new module fast.

chinese new year affects china for like 2 months but they are partially still going anyhow
i think they have linear modules in california

Now it happened to me. I was going great - everything working until I upgraded the firmware to 11.1. Now one of the Z linear modules just doesn’t work. I backdated to 10.1, updated to 11.4, nothing. Swapped plugs into the splitter. Nothing. Don’t know if it is chance that it happened when I updated the firmware or if that had something to do with it. Grrr. I’ve contacted them thru the website, and I’ll send an email too. I was just getting comfortable with the machine too!

I reported it to the support email, and 7 days later I had a new module, which works great. Very happy with the support.

Seems I have no luck with SM2A350 AT ALL… First :Y axie and proximity sensor on 3d head were not working (simply no reaction if you put something under, no red light also), X was moving but in wrong direction . Contacted support and after days of waiting got instructions what to do and they asked for video to be sent. All instructions were in vain plus suddenly all axies stopped moving plus X stucks completely when SM2 is powered on.
Support has been keeping silence for few days now and surely all Chinese holidays are over.