Slightly derailing this thread only to briefly talk about laser safety - I’ve done some calculations and I am of the opinion the snapmaker enclosure is sufficient to protect against incidental exposure, even without laser safety glasses on. You should not stare at the beam, you should not be very close to the machine while the laser is on at full power without glasses, but if you walk by the machine and catch a glimpse of diffuse laser light through the enclosure you will not cause eye injury with the 1600mW laser.
OD3+ panels and better would allow you to safely look at the laser beam without goggles for extended observation.
Diffuse light from a 1600mW is not powerful enough to cause immediate eye injury even unprotected. You would need to stare at the beam spot.
Coherent light, reflected from glass or tile or metal, is a different story, and 1600mW is enough to cause immediate eye injury. If you work with those materials you need to be aware of this and take appropriate safety measures, like making sure kids and pets are kept away from the machine.
Edit: link to previous calculations: Best options for eye protection? - #39 by brent113