Best options for eye protection?

I see my post from above where I did the calculations was removed. Oh well, here it is again:

1600mW with the provided OD1.19 goggles will reduce laser energy down to ~100mW. With an assumed large beam divergence of 35mrad that would put the Nominal Ocular Hazard Distance (NOHD), which is defined as a beam intensity of 2.5mW/cm2, around 10ft with the goggles on for a direct hit. (Without goggles or any protection that NOHD for a direct hit would be ~40ft)

With wood and similar materials the laser dot should be a diffuse reflection and chance if injury is small, especially if you’re not staring at the dot for extended periods of time.

But with tile, jar lids, and other reflective surfaces, the chance of getting a scattered coherent beam is much greater.

At minimum you need OD3.2 to be guaranteed safe.

Pay attention to symptoms of eye injury. If you get a headache, your eyes are itchy or watering, you have light sensitivity - make sure you don’t continue to look at even the diffuse laser dot, and wear any protective goggles, even with the enclosure.