If you get thing set right with your z offset you shouldnt run into parts sticking that hard.
after calibration, adjust offset .05 to .1 upwards
Regarding calibration - if you change nozzles, get new gouge marks on your print sheet, swap print sheets, or just every now and then if it seems like its off do it, no schedule
Regarding alcohol, yeah thats the proper solution to use.
If you continue to have over adhesion issues, look into Magigoo - it acts as an adhesive and then when it cools acts as a release agent, and washes away with water.
Anytime you suddenly see filament coming out and curling around the nozzle, or seemt o have bizarre adhesion or other issues, swap the nozzle (not necessarily the heatend, but you can buy mk8 nozzles (13 mm long with 6 mm thread is the spec) in a variety nozzle widths, standard being .04.
You can try to pick the nozzle clean with a needle or nozzle bit, or do a cold pull technique (google it im not great at explaining it- should have nylon stock to do that, i had no success with it but i didnt a durable enough filament) instead but nozzles are so cheap it is trivial to change them out.
use rubbing alcohol to clean the rails (the shiny part, its actually a dust cover but buildup on there probably isnt a great thing to see)
If you cant find rubbing alcohol, id hesitate to experiment with other solutions and chemicals outside of water and maybe like a mild dawn detergent, but thats really not ideal.
Once you get used to printing you’ll find the print sheets wont get scuffed out and stuff stuck to it
If you are using the snapmaker brand pla that came with the machine, it could be part of a bad batch - i have a spool that destroyed one side of my sheet by fusing the material so hard and then in my ignorance after i thought i was better i tried using it again on a different sheet and the same thing happened.
At least the sheets can be flipped
Edit: Oh, and i know it sucks to have to wait for stuff to come in the mail to keep playing, so in the interim you can try to put blue painter tape on your bed to prevent the material from destroying it if you do indeed have the terrible material ( which is widely known and acknowledged by Snapmaker, they changed manufactures over it but there isn’t really a way to tell by the spool if its good or bad, outside of mine looked a bit greyish and dull instead of a good black)
The above is just my personal experience and i am far from the most knowledgable on the forum.