November 5, 2024, 4:26pm
The variances you are seeing really are quite common. I detail them in my post that was linked earlier:
The Main Issue
Most 350-series machines have a bed level delta (variance between the highest and lowest points) in the 0.5 to 0.4mm range in a cold/un-heated condition. With heating, that can jump to over 1.0mm. As many of us have seen, even a delta of 0.4 can sometimes be too much for the machine firmware and software to compensate for, thus causing issues with the quality and success of 3D prints.
Platform Issues
Per Snapmaker Support, the stock v2 (updated) “Platform” (also known as the “bed frame”) itself has a manufacturing flatness tolerance of 0.15mm across all of the screw down points, so you can expect at least that much bed level variance before even installing the platform on the machine (I have not learned what the tolerance is for the older v1 frame). Some platforms will have less, but if it has more, Support considers it an unacceptable out-of-tolerance manufacturing defect, and you can contact them for a replacement. To help you picture this tolerance, human hair thickness is between 0.017 to 0.181mm, with most being in the 0.05 to 0.09 range.
Even if you replace the platform (bed frame), it is likely that the new one will render a similar variance. The only real solution is tramming/shimming of the assembly.
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