I have been using my A350 for over a week now, without any problems until today. Tonight I wanted to re-level the bed after a bad print and suddenly it seems that the leveling sensor doesn’t work anymore.
The machine starts the autoleveling procedure, but the head pushes the bed really deep, to a point that I fear something will break.
I’ve been trying to reset the printer (M503 & M500) and read another topic on this forum Bed leveling sensor broken and found that my sensor actually doesn’t detect the (same) tool when the head is lowering. It just isn’t stopping. Fortunately I have the emergency stop button installed.
Is there anything else I can do? And what next?
If the sensor isn’t detecting anything (led light should turn on when you hold metal close to sensor) contact support@snapmaker.com
I suppose you’re right. Will do, thanks.
This is just to report that my problem has been solved. The reseller that I bought the machine from, 123-3D.nl sent me a brand new printer head without any hassle. I was able to fix the machine the next day! Great service of 123-3D.nl
@mannie that’s both surprising and good, because that is not an authorized distributor so your warranty with Snapmaker themselves is not valid, but it shouldn’t matter as long as the ones you bought it from honor it.
Yes they are. They are listed on the Snapmaker website (online shops)
Yes it is. In Europe that all doesn’t matter.
And 123-3d is a great shop in general. I buy almost all my stuff there. Including their own filament brand (jupiter series)
Just didn’t buy my SM2 there because they did have it yet at pre-order time
@brvdboss Oooo I didn’t realize it was Europe. I really wish we had those laws on warranty over here in the states tbh. I see it on the distributor list now, I should’ve checked that first my bad
Hi @Artezio,
Yes, in Europe the laws are quite in favor of consumers. Companies may say that they limit their warranty, but that is overruled by law. In general, the principle is that a product must have a lifetime that can reasonably be expected from it, which may be for quite a long period for some products. The minimum however is 2 years, except of course for consumable items unless these are supposed to last for more than 2 years. Moreover, warranty must be carried out by the supplier as the sales contract was closed between them and you as a customer, not necessarily the manufacturer. If a manufacturer goes bankrupt, a warranty claim still holds against the supplier, who must offer a reasonable solution. If the supplier goes bankrupt, the manufacturer is the next responsible in the chain.
The 123- chain of companies have a good name here in the Netherlands. 123-3D is just one of their brands. They are known for having good prices, quick delivery and good service, as witnessed.
(Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the company in any way, just a satisfied customer)