I’ve been working on a windows application that allow us to create gCode for a Laser Test Grid on our Snapmaker.
It’s a simple application that may be useful for some of you so, feel free to test it if it suits your needs.
Your AV and windows must have something wrong as this has absolutely no problem on any computer I’ve used it.
Still, don’t use it in the compiled version. Source code is available.
Anyway, if you leave here the parameters, I’ll get you the gcode… It’s the best (safe thing) I can do.
This is a great little program for testing engraving. I’ve just got the 20W laser for my snapmaker 2.0. I might look at the Gcode it generated and see if a little copy and pasting to the text will allow for multiple passes. I ran the test grid with reasonable values for engraving and it all looked great. I then made my first try at cutting values and it paused the run a few times because really burnt the wood.