Any word on ship dates for Artisian ordered in September?
We do not have more than this:
Got E-Mail today that delivery will be in march for EU… Maybe…
That s more than 3month later then expected. I cancelt my preorder. It will run out of PayPal buyers protection and thats to risky for me for 3k €.
Keeping sea shipping and not switch to air shows me that there is no need for customer satisfaction. I mean, the advertised Youtuber mpoxde got his Artisan by FedEx Air. But he did not paid 3000€ for it…
Hi Stiups, you can check the shipping dates for Artisan via this link:
Today I got an a250 case for my colleague which was sent on 26th december from Shenzhen. So you are able to deliver big parts in a fantastic time to EU. I mean, the EU warehouse with DHL is much slower than that. Why don’t you sent the Artisan on that way? The case was much much cheaper than the Artisan.
I am really sad to have to cancel my pre order… but buyers protection is just 180 days. It is annoying that I am now punished to be one of the first pre-orderer. There would be no problem when my pre order would be placed 2,5month later…
Hi Wyphorn, I’m not sure about how we choose the way to send Artisan too, but I guess there are better reasons behind the current shipping method. Sorry to hear about your cancel . Thanks for your support as one of the first pre-orderers and all the advice you provide. We’re sorry for the delivery delay. Things just happened all at the same time…
BTW, are you willing to order another Artisan when it is in stock for purchase? Looking forward to that .
Maybe is there a way to keep my pre order place with a new Order?
I’m not sure but you could pay attention to its state on our online store.