Artisan, Z axis limits fail, cannot auto home or manual home

After setting up the artisan, we were able to use it for one day. Next day I went to start another print and at this time the printer was never shut down. we heard a really loud ratcheting sound as the printer head dove into the printing bed and scratch across it.

I then decided to try and recalibrate using auto mode. Every time I started auto home the printer head would dive into the printer bed hard and it would stop, at which point I tried to manually move the printer head up on the Z axis but it would not move vertically due to the error of it diving into the printer bed. I tried auto home again, this time it drug the tips across the glass leaving deep scratches, since it auto homes X and Y first. Manual mode did the exact same thing. I cannot get to manual mode with out it driving the tips into the glass.

So I did a factory reset. same issues. z axis dives into the printer bed
and now I cannot get to the main menu on the artisan because on start up it drives straight into the glass almost immediately.

Have you looked at the other posts about the duel extruder and the magnetic sensor in the back of the tool head and checking the offset manually between the sensor and the tip of the nozzle?

No I have not, I was searching errors with Z axis and possible software and actuator issues. I will look for those forums today.

I have no Artisan but i guess homeposition is the same like 2.0.
Home position from my A350 is Z-axis UP, Toolhead X-axis LEFT and Bed Y-axis FRONT.

If you dive deep into your bed at homing, it seems you have a assembling error.

Double check your assembling and connectors.

I can double check, It is weird that it worked for the first day just fine and I was able to get one good print off of it. I am trying to figure out what could have changed over night.
I have a 350 as well with the dual extruder and I was thinking of trying its printer head to see if it is a sensor issue on the tool its self.

Another option I was considering after reading a few forums, is the back plate that is attached to the tool head may be in the wrong mounting holes. I am trying to find images to confirm that, if anyone has an image of the holes being used that would be great, so I can confirm the mounting location.

I have similar issue, where with my artisan printer head crashing into bed, leaving behind a first time memory of a deep line grove while performing calibration on XY axis. Turns out the issues was the Z2 axis was faulty straight out of the box. Discovered the Z2 axis was not going moving full height, nor would it move up at all, would only travel down.

To test if the Z axis is working, unplug the 3D printer head tool and power up the controller. Go to SETTINGS > MAINTENANCE> MACHINE INFORMATION and scroll down until you see (LINEAR MODULE Z1 AXIS) this should be in OFF switch position, same for (LINEAR MODULE Z2 AXIS), if it show (ON) then you may have a faulty Z module, may then replacing…Contact support.


Thanks for the information it was a huge help. It looks like that is what the issue is and I am in talks with tech support now and they are coming to the same conclusion at this time. I just sent them a video and a picture of the settings screen you have shown.

Thanks again

Glad to help, let me/us know if this was the issue. I suggest do a full reset, if it’s case.

So after pulling the actuators apart the main problem was a tiny connector that was not fully seated.

An unrelated issue but quality issue on the other module was a connector where the lock was cracked, when I went to check if it was seated the connector broke as soon as I touched it. and you can see it laying in the bottom of the module.

Everything seems to be working right now, now I have to figure out how to get better adhesion on the glass bed.

Thanks again for all your help.

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