I’ve been using my A350T for about a year (seriously) and have already gone thru 2 build sheets.
I have rubbing alcohol, brake cleaner, acetone, and good old soap and water but still find that my build sheets have a faint image of a project or two seemingly embedded in the sheet itself - I religiously level my build plate and haven’t had any problems with sheet gouging or improper z settings.
My question is has anyone any experience with the alternative build sheet materials? PEI PEO PET GLASS Carbon Fibre - I am very close to ordering a bunch just to play with. I understand my printer already has a mag base on it so I don’t need the models with the additional mag materials. What I want to find out is I’ve heard horror stories of auto-level issues - I understand that glass leveling, for example, isn’t possible with the type of sensor used on the Snapmaker 2.0.
I just love the idea of the cool textures for the first layer of print.
Thanks in advance.
I’m using all stock and printing pla, petg, asa. However, I have g10 print sheet comingy way.
The glass bed can be leveled, with simple Fifix mod. Search for it. Bunch of people are with glass bed. Some with glass bed with PEI film on top of it.
I’ve never used the stock build plate for my snapmaker. When I bought mine, I also purchased a dual sided sheet. Smooth PEI on one side, and textured on the other. PLA and ASA have been perfect on the smooth side, and PETG + TPU on the textured.
Just look at that tiny adhesion surface, came out nice.
Bought it on aliexpress, brand name energetic specifically this one.
It’s spring steel, so works with the inductive sensor and sticks to the magnetic base, and just give it an IPA wipe between prints. If it’s still iffy, plain dawn dish soap + hot water. Never had any issues with it.
That sounds good. Since there was no size 250 available, I contacted the store and they mentioned that they could customize it for me, so I placed an order. I’m looking forward to its arrival.
And then I got a shipping notice 20 minutes after ordering. I wonder if customization is ok lol.