Any method to export SM Luban's docs from GitHub as a PDF?

First, I’m an old dog and I find it cumbersome to try and figure out a piece of software and read documentation on a small screen. I would like to print out the GitHub User Manual as a single PDF document. Is there any method to accomplish this task?

It seems that it needs to be enabled by the repository owner, but I cannot even find a good way to as SM to enable the feature.

If you are on W10 and can open the document in anything you can print and then in Destination, rather than use your printer, click on the down arrow and choose “Save as PDF”.

If this doesn’t work we need to know exactly what you are trying to copy, the web address copied from the browser and what yor computer is running on - Windows 10, Apple etc.

I am on Mac OS (Big Sur-the latest) and i have tired using the print dialogue, but it only converts one page to a pdf.

Share the link to what you’re trying to convert to pdf.


First, it was GitBook.

link: 3. Generate G-code Using Snapmakerjs · Manual

The pages are arranged so you need to use an arrow to go to the next page. When you perform a print->save as pdf it only prints one page. I also just noticed that this is for SnapMaker Original so it may be a mute point.

I was just about to say this was for original, but then I see you saw that.

This is what you want:

PDF link (too big to upload): Dropbox - Snapmaker 2.0 Laser V1.0.0 – Snapmaker.pdf - Simplify your life

Also if you haven’t, check out this:
The Definitive Guide to Laser Engraving and Cutting with the Snapmaker – (1.6 MB)


I have the first one. The Dropbox copy is very fuzzy but since I already have it that is of no concern.

The “Definitive Guide to …” is new to me and I’m sure it will come in very handy.

Thank you for your help. I am a total newbie and and oh so slowly getting my head around this process.

Try downloading it. Not sure why the online preview on dropbox is fuzzy.

I have a good pdf of the article.

Thanks again.

Coincidentally I just did some engraving on my dog’s leather collar (his name is Bam if you didn’t guess).

Vector, fill 20, 1000mm/m @90% power. Cleaned off soot with Lexol leather cleaner.
Was going for a heavy, deep engrave. Came out how I wanted/expected.

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That’s nice. I’m sure engraving 0.26 mm bookcloth is going to be a bird of a different feather. :face_with_monocle: