I’m reaching out to the community for some guidance and/or advice as to which path to further explore. I’ve been having some “issues” that I have been unable to resolve.
My setup:
- A350T with single extruder, firmware 1.18.1 (tried updating to latest firmware unsuccessfully, more details below)
- Slicer: Orca Slicer (tested with Prusa, Cura and Luban as well)
- Connection: Raspberry Pi4B with Octoprint (but tested prints by uploading Gcode to controller and printing from controller as well)
- Filament/s: eSun PLA+ Orange and Black but also witnessed issues on X3D PETG
- Other:
- Linear Rail Mod has been installed
- Printing from Eibos dryer via PTFE tube to extruder
Issue description:
My prints started exhibited some “strange” blemishes after fair bit of relatively seamless printing. As part of organising my setup I’ve been printing a large number of Jerrari’s Gen2 drawers ( Gen2 Modular Lack Enclosure Drawers by Jerrari | Download free STL model | Printables.com), Figure 1 below shows setup, which also contains some of the own designs I adapted to fit his system, for those that are looking for something, I cannot recommend these enough.
Figure 1 - Gen 2 Drawer system
I was about 75% through when 2 of the orange large tilt drawers ( Gen2 Large Modular Tilt Drawers by Jerrari | Download free STL model | Printables.com) started showing this strange pattern that I have not witnessed before. What I found stranger was that it was in the middle of the print with previous layers really good, and on one of the drawers it appears to “resolve itself”. See Figures 2 and 3 for the first drawer, and Figures 4 and 5 for second drawer:
Figure 3 - First drawer outside
Figure 4 - First drawer inside
Figure 5 - Second drawer outside
Figure 6 - Second drawer inside
I suspected that my enclosure being closed during the Australian summer temperatures resulted in too much heat, started keeping the enclosure open, continued printing the next drawer and the issue disappeared.
At the same time I noticed some strange seam issues which I could not explain either, but at the time I just ignored it. I say strange because the best way I can explain it would be to say that directly following the seam the extruder appeared to be under-extruding, but would then “catch-up” and print to a very high level of acceptable again, as the seam was hidden in a location that I would not see, this did not immediately bother me too much. See Figure 7 below which shows what I am trying to convey:
Figure 7 - Under extrusion following seam
I am currently finding myself in a rare situation where my wife has asked me for a print, and I feel this is an opportunity to redeem the cost of the printer by providing her with something from it. Last night during my test print, the seam issue presented itself again, see Figure 8 below.
Figure 8 - test print with seam issue
What have I tried
Just to cover off the basics:
- E-step calibrations has been done, but I am thinking of doing this again just to confirm. However, the fact that the “rest” of the print is good without signs of under or over-extrusion leads me to believe this is not the issue.
- Flow, temperature and linear advance calibration has been completed using the built in Orca Slicer calibration.
- I am also aware that in the test print shown that I can “hide” the seam in a sharp corner, but I would like to resolve, understand what is happening here
So I went about trying to first replicate the issue and then playing with my slicer settings (originally believing this is where the issue lies) to see if I can resolve it:
- Printed a hollow cylinder of 1.2mm thickness - To my surprise this had no issues, and following later tests I believe this is because there was no retractions part of this “test”:
Figure 9 - Test cylinder with no seam flaws (at least not the flaw of this topic)
- I created a reduced version of the original test print (from Figure 8) which is just the upper part (cylindrical shapes) with seam position as “Back”. First print was with my normal settings to use as baseline and confirm the issue is present and then I started making changes. Test file attached for those interested:
Seam_test.stl (1.2 MB)
Gcode of seam test file with “issues”:
Seam test_default.gcode (3.1 MB)
Figure 10 - Multiple test prints
The below is what I tried without avail:
a) Arachne wall generator is my standard, changed this to Classic → The issue appeared to be less prominent but still present
b) “Wipe before external loop” is on, this was turned off → No change (changed back to Arachne)
c) Reduced Acceleration in the speed settings of Orca to be, in some instance half the default → Issue reduced but still present
d) Other settings such as retraction distances and speed also tested also with limited success.
e) Changed to Prusa slicer instead of Orca - Still present. Both Prusa and Orca files print from Octoprint
– At this point I started noticing (I guess I should have mentioned I always print with 2 line skirt loop 5mm from print to ensure first layer is still good) that there is a portion of the first line of the skirt loop not printing.
f) Changed to Luban and Cura to see if I can replicate this and I could. Gcode sent to controller and not printed via Octoprint. I manually inspected the Gcode via text editor and could not identify issues, the code retracted and extruded the correct amount (and at the right time) according to what i can see.
Figure 10 - First part of skirt not printing (top left next to ellipse, print direction is counterclockwise)
So with all of the above in mind I started to think that it might not be a software/slicing issue but rather a hardware/setup issue.
- First I removed the filament from the dryer and PTFE tube, installed on my internally mounted bearing filament roller, and did another test print - no issue. My thinking was that there might be too much resistance for the extruder to pull the filament smoothly, but this does not seem to be the case.
- I started wondering (noting my issue is only present after a retraction and deretraction) if the extruder (or controller was having issues with these commands following shortly after each other. I wasn’t sure how to test this, so I removed the filament and issued (after heating the nozzle) extrude and retract commands from Octoprint. I noticed a significant delay between when the command (for either) was issued and the extruder gear moving. Trying to rule out Octoprint as the issue, movement commands had no perceivable delays, only extruder commands. I then used the Snapmaker controller and the “load filament” and “unload filament” commands but no delay was observed.
At a loss of what to do next I tried updating the firmware:
The controller became “stuck” and the app had to restart multiple times when I inserted the USB with the latest firmware
Figure 11 - SnapMaker controller issues -
Power cycled and was able to select firmware, and then controller became “stuck” in the “updating” loop, which is where I am now…
Figure 12 - Controller “updating for past 2 hours”
Experiencing the issues above with the controller has reminded me that in the last couple of months I’ve been experiencing random controller disconnections, where OctoPrint would loose connection in the middle of a print, and the print head would just sit there with its nozzle at 215deg C, or where I would get the SM controller and I would have an error, something along the lines of “Connection to machine lost” and a button on the screen to “reconnect”
So noting all of the above, I’ve started wondering if my issue might be controller related, where it either has a poor connection (I have plugged and unplugged to check but couldn’t see anything) or if the controller itself might have an issue that is causing it to stall, delay to react to “instructions”, specifically when it comes to retraction and that has been part of my issue. However as i am not sure what to explore next (or if I’ll be able to get my controller out of the “updating” loop) I am not sure where or what to test next and would appreciate some guidance/advice.
Thank you in advance