Weird Lines Same Layer, different Slicer

Hey Guys, this is a weird one.

I printed the same object twice (once with Luban, once with PrusaSlicer) and this weird Pattern is the outcome:

Its not on the same spot, but nearly on the same layer. Has anyone an Idea that this could cause?


Ps: Snapmaker 2 A350 - latest Firmware

The vertical seam is where the Z axis raises. In Luban, it’s always at the same location, but other slicers have more options to control it.

There’s usually a travel when raising the Z axis. If it was happening every layer the whole way up, I’d say you need to tweak your retraction settings to prevent under extrusion after retraction.

But it’s only happening higher up, since the bottom layers are fine. Are you getting any binding on the filament? I had some issues when the spool started to get near the end that the filament would start binding as the Z axis went up. I first noticed the filament “clicking” as it would bind then release. As it got worse, I could hear the extruder gears grinding because it couldn’t pull the filament. If that’s the case, there are several filament routing / placement options on thingiverse to made your filament feed more easily.

I noticed something similar and I attributed it to underextrusion due to drag on the filament path. I added a PTFE tube and it solved my issue.

Although it is odd that it only happens so far up the print.

Hi. There is definitely no problem in the filament path. I have a dry box on top of the snapmaker enclosure and an ptfe Tube Right through the housing.
And It really looks like it is on the exact same layer.
I have also printed two versions with the Prusa slicer and got the same behavior on the same spot, next to the seam.

It’s totally weird and ugly.

Maybe I should write the support.

Sure it’s not an issue with the model? I’ve had something like that show up when I thought I had 2 shapes lined up but they were off by .01 mm in Fusion and I didn’t realize it.

Can you share your stl?


That’s what I thought first, but it’s just a cube with a shell. And it is on different spots with different slicers. That’s what is really weird.

Not really a solution, but you can set the seam position to be “random” and see if that resolves the issue?

its an 11-15h print (Prosa/Luban) not really a “let’s try” method :stuck_out_tongue:

Does the model have any shape changes at that height? We can only see one side… Perhaps the slicer is deciding to add retractions at that height and the settings are too aggressive

Yes, you are right. It starts at the depth of the hole on the back.

In luban retraction is at 1mm@60mm/s, in Prusa 0.5mm@50mm/s