Actuators gotten noisier with specific motion? A350

first time posting, but i’ve been notific a “louder” sound coming from my A350. To me it sounds like there is some resistance somewhere?

Vid1 below is short, but you can clearly hear the difference when its moving the base plate forward and the extruder towards the center:


Vi2 there are the same louder sound around 20-23 s, 44-48 s, and just as the video ends (automatic on the phone).

Im curious if other have had same significant louder “screeching”, because it doesn’t seem right? What could be the cause, and what could fix it? If there has been similar threads i haven’t seen them.

I was running the “normal” pre-set pla setup, only modified to have supports.

Edit: sorry for the videos not being playable directly, unsure why, says google-drive is still processing them.

And me being a big noob at all this, i might have called the stepper motor an actuator. Still unsure whats what, but please try and look passed that :slight_smile:

Hi @Zeafriex,
actually, steppers are actuators, you’re not wrong here :slight_smile:
On your question/video: To me it sounds normal. My A350 is loudest also whenever the bed moves (any movement in Y i.e. back/forth) - I attribute this to the resonance surface the bed is. It just amplifies the vibrations of the Y linear modules.
Pendig different opionions from others I’d say: Don’t worry!

Yea, for sure i’d say it’s “generally” normal. the very slow Y movement of the bed tends to resonate the steel strips covering the rails. there is a pending video on how to tighten those. Over time it’s possible those have loosened up on you. What you can do to see if it’s just the strips or not is to touch your finger to them (not too close to the bed if it’s moving in that direction!) and see if the vibration stops/lowers (cuz there ARE 2 sides essentially, one on each side of the plate mounted to the rail).

The other possibility is that some of your screws have come loose underneath, either on the rails or on your Z-axis mounts. I had this happen to me. I was having issues with sound, and it was getting worse and worse and I followed another of the threads (Excessive Noise, don’t have the link atm). Mine it turned out ended up being a defective rail, which got replaced, that was causing more vibration than usual, which could have attributed to screws coming loose, but it’s still good to check. As i went to disassemble mine, i found that a few of the screws were just barely holding into the bottom of the rail. I’ve since used a bit of thread lock in each of my screws as i’ve reassembled the machine (i’ll be checking on those shortly as i reassemble it again as i move it again to build a new printing station).

There is an unofficial video that has a tightener for the steel strips, but it uses a tool that i could not find online. I may look into designing and printing one. If the strips are sufficiently tight, they shouldn’t vibrate TOO badly (though they will in general).

What does help too greatly is the Enclosure. it’s great to monitor for the noise, especially if it changes over time to detect issues and such, but still if you’re in a situation where the sound might be an issue, I’d look into enclosing it somehow.

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They did make a video on how to tighten the strips, it is just hard to find, here is the link
Tighten steel strips

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