A350T Z Offset Going in Reverse During Manual Bed Calibration

Machine was perfect a year ago, but with the recent update the Z offset goes in reverse when dialing it down to .1mm in both the manual bed calibration and in the control app, to reiterate it reverses only for .1mm movements in the Z axis. The linear modules responsible for the Z axis are also making a lot of noise similar to a click with metallic ringing. Any tips are appreciated and I hope its not a problem unique to me.

I have the machine assembled properly. I have used it to print prior to the most recent update and everything printed as expected.

Mixed up cables for axis?

Unfortunately no. I already checked the cables multiple times. I did discover the M119 Triggered and disassembled a linear module, maybe the M119 Trigger is causing the movement to reverse at .1mm?

They applied a good amount of grease but I am beginning to suspect that there’s something wrong with the stepper motor, the motor is hard to turn. I did reach out to support but I don’t have my receipt so I am currently asking them if they sell just the stepper motor.

If you know anything about replacing or fixing the stepper motor that would be appreciated! Anyway thanks for replying.

Supply some pictures here, might engage the crowd.
There was a topic here about repairing control board for the stepper motor, maybe some clue in there…

00:00-1:50 clunking noise
1:50 for the z moving in reverse.

I have seen the topic about repairing the control board but that seems out of my scope for now.

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@ChristianPanaguiton Nice… It sounds like there is too much resistance for the stepper to overcome… Did you make sure the z kinematics are ok before blaming the motor? :slightly_smiling_face: