A350 2.0 hot end replacement question - missing set screw

After much searching, I finally found a video showing how to replace the hot end. It showed a set screw being removed from inside the door to the filament feed chamber (see picture 1 attached). I do not have that set screw. When I was finally able to remove the original hot end (first time I am replacing it), it looks like it was sealed in with some type of putty instead of the set screw (see picture 2). It appears the set screw catches toe metal shaft above the hot end between the end and the ring. Without that screw, the hot end is somewhat loose and I believe it may shift while printing. Does anyone know where I can get a screw to fit this?

H 2.0 4mm grubb screw is what comes stock, contact them directly by email for the part number for ordering, or hit up a hardware store

Hardware store will be much faster. In a pinch you don’t have to get the exact set screw, you can get a Philips pan head that correct length, plenty of space for the head inside and there isn’t much need in proper grab.

Thank you for your replies. I contacted Snapmaker and they did send me the specs on the screw and recommended searching Amazon. Such a small part required buying quantity online. I was able to find it at my local hardware store (2 / $1.25). I’m back up and running again!

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