A Big Thanks to Skreelink and a no no to Snapmaker!

At the verry beginning i was really surprised by my A350.

But to be honest without the help of @Skreelink the most things for me wouldn’t work.

I am not a rocket scientist but i am also not absolutely dumb.

I bought many parts for the snapmaker and meanwhile i am not happy anymore with it.

Today i tried to laser something with my 2W Infrared-laser and i mentioned that set work origin doesn’t do anything.

My idea was to laser several items, wich should be all the same.

Laser one piece,take it out, put the next item in on the same place, do the next and so on.

i think that issue came up from multiple users.

So please Snapmaker-Team, it would be so easy to implement a real “set work origin”-button wich would drive the laser back to the saved position after opening the same file in the machine.



I don’t have a Infrared laser so only guessing here.
With my 10w laser I could use the same work origin like before. I execute the gcode on the touchscreeb, it asks me about setting the laser focus, I tap manual laser height, then tap next without setting anything.
Now the toolhead moves about 10mm higher and I could manipulate my work origin now, this means also I could tap “move to work origin”.
Please forgive me if it’s a other work flow with the 2W infrared laser.

Anyway, if it persists, open a ticket and suggest the Bugfix to support:
Support@snapmaker.com or

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After it finished try to make a second.

Check if the work origin is still the same.

Thanks , i open a ticket :wink:

I did this often with my 40w. i just have to set the Z. But i will check chris’ advice to use manual and just continue. Never had problems with x/y.

Would be great to be able to set work origin and actually be able to see below the laser head… I know it needs to focus eventually but damn… I can’t even see the majority of the part that I’m trying to laser.

Malheureusement je ne suis pas sûr que créer un ticket de dysfonctionnement réglera quoi que ce soit. un petit bricolage de plus sera donné ! Je travaille avec des amis qui ont un 350 et j’ai un Artisan : j’ai tous les lasers sauf le 1600mw. Etant vieux prof & informaticien, je parviens me débrouiller, à bricoler et donc à graver avec tous les lasers mais la perte de temps est énorme et plus grave est la perte de compétitivité et de sécurité. J’ai essayé d’alerter Snapmaker de nombreuses façons, mais ils ne semblent pas entendre ou vouloir mettre en place une compatibilité correcte avec Lightburn. C’est incroyable et très regrettable car tous les autres constructeurs ou presque le font, mais Snapmaker semble s’y refuser.
Mon laser Neje est compatible à 100% avec Lightburn et je n’ai pas dépensé autour de 5000€ pour lui.
Pour ma part, je pense qu’ils sont en train de se suicider et c’est bien dommage. Ne parlons pas de l’Artisan où encore moins de travail a été fait car moins de recul. J’aime bien Snapmaker mais il y a des limites insupportables à ne pas dépasser !
Je suis très déçu surtout que cette machine aurait un formidable potentiel décuplé avec Lightburn.

Did you open the ticket and received some answer?
I still have the problem myself with the 40W module… I tried to laser some metal and started with “light” settings and in case it is not visible, I wanted to laser in the same place again with some “stronger” settings… not possible, besides the fact, that the origin setting is a pain in the a$$ because you can’t see your workpiece, because you need to set the height before. And for the 40W one can only send the file to the machine and not start via Luban - this is a major advantage of the 2W

I tried now the 2W with Ray and had trouble with the origin as well (though I don’t know, if it is the same issue). I tried to cut foam and started with - let’s say - 50% laser power. Set the origin manually, checked boundary and started the job. So far it worked out. Job is finished and the head went back to … origin? Unfortunately not. I have the feeling, that the LASER ends up where the CROSS was in the first place…
Problem is, cutting the exact part again is impossible due to this. I am on the latest FW for Ray (1.7.4 I believe) … Luban is up to date as well.
Switching origin from “workpiece” to “object” did not do a thing.
I thought, it might be a solution to set the offset to zero, might be a bit tricky to find the exact origin then, but at least it should move the toolhead to the exact point where I started (presuming, the issue is what dI think it is).
Do I see this right? Would be a workaround of course, and should be fixed with a FW update…
Can someone approve this? Is it a known error?

EDIT: I opened a support ticket