40W laser running out of boundary (lightburn)

Same problem here with the mentioned workflow (Lightburn → nc → File transfer via Luban).
But i figured out that some laser cutting worked, while others running out of bounds.
Comparing the working with not working projects i can see that the working projekts always use absolute coordinates (after G90 command) while the not working projects also position the laser first with absolute coordinates, then using gcode Command G91 (switching to relative coords) and uses relative coords further on.

I assume that Snapmaker Artisan firmware ignores the G91 command and interprets all coords as absolute regardless of G90/G91 commands. So this seems definitiv to be a bug in Snapmakers (at least Artisans) firmware.

There is also no workaround because the generated gcode from lightburn mixes absolute/relative positioning (fill always uses relative while line always uses absolute).

My fazit: pure Laser cutting should be working because there is only absolute positioning but other projects with Fill/Offset fill Modes don’t work due to ignore the G91 command

@darien: i think your solution works because your project only uses Line Mode

Regards Michael