Lightburn: Cut and Fill Layers aren't aligned as they are in softare

So I’m coming back to lasering after a while and Lightburn after a longer while. I got a 40W laser between now and the last time I used it. I installed the 40W laser profile from the wiki which solved my air-assist issues. And I set “Emit S value with every G1 command” to resolve my issues with it not cutting past the first path.

I thought I was in the clear (everything was cutting nicely) until it got to the only engraving part of the project. I was trying to engrave a QR code. It ended up wildly off from what it looked like in software.

What it looks like in Lightburn:

What it looks like in real life:

As you can see the QR code gets shifted left by a significant amount to where it overlaps the cut areas.

I even opened the gcode in Luban and it looks normal here as well:

Here is the gcode: (252.3 KB)

Any ideas on why this happened?