3D Print usable bed area reduced in Luban

Hi All

Does anyone know if a recent update to Luban has reduced the usable print area?

I am trying to print a part that I have printed before but when I now load and orient the .stl it is too big for the bed as the bed appears to have a non usable margin now. I can’t generate G-Code from it until the part fits the new restricted bed dimensions but that scales the part below it’s required size. The part is 116.7mm in the largest dimension so below the 125mm limit. See the image below.

Have I inadvertently change a setting or has Luban been change in away that degrades the performance of the Original machine?

Any help welcome.

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I have the same issue. Planned to print a piece 119 mm wide, but that’s no longer possible.

How can we fix this? Downgrade Luban?

Tried the 4.0.0 version now, and the work area is 125 mm.

I had this same issue, and had to turn off the skirt. It seems that space was reserved for adding a skirt or brim. Once I selected none, then the model turned gray and was sliceable.

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I had the same issue. What I did was I hacked the settings to make the printable area much bigger, then I just need to remember to use common sense to keep my print within bounds.

To do this, I edited c:\program files\snapmaker luban\resources\app\src\app\app.89d40c9320ab913909d0.bundle.js. I searched for my print head (a350_single), then a little before that is a field that looks like “metadata:{size:{x:320,y:350,z330}}”. I changed those to “metadata:{size:{x:340,y:370,z330}}”.

Now it doesn’t complain anymore :-), but is less safe to work with near the boundaries.

This fixed it for me as well.