3D-Print Module Dead on Arrival - Quality Assurance not implemented?

Hi There,
Is there any way to contact the support? I got my A350 on the 12th and assebled it on following the weekend. I immedeadly run into the filament runout sensor problem described in several videos and tried the workaround by switching it off using the lubian-Console. I’ve entered the command “M412 S0” to turn off the filament sensor and clicked “ready to load”. Now I was able to print my first small object.
I immediately wrote an email to the support with no response whatsoever. One week later I opened a Case using the Support section on Snapmaker. No Response whatsoever.

After having supported the 1st Snapmaker and the second one I’m very disappoined.
Is there a trick to get the people in charge to react. I’m thinking about returning the whole thing back to Snapmaker :frowning: … The QA is obviously not working!


Phoebe @hyeii will be able to help… this message will get to her.

Don’t despair

Doug ( I am not with Snapmaker)


Hi @Eisbaer
My apology for the late reply, I haven’t come to check the forum these days.
I am forwarding your issue to our support team. Could you please tell me your email address so that our support team can talk to you directly? (Or you can send an email to support@snapmaker.com to talk to them directly.
I am sincerely sorry about the bad support.