Hi There,
Is there any way to contact the support? I got my A350 on the 12th and assebled it on following the weekend. I immedeadly run into the filament runout sensor problem described in several videos and tried the workaround by switching it off using the lubian-Console. I’ve entered the command “M412 S0” to turn off the filament sensor and clicked “ready to load”. Now I was able to print my first small object.
I immediately wrote an email to the support with no response whatsoever. One week later I opened a Case using the Support section on Snapmaker. No Response whatsoever.
After having supported the 1st Snapmaker and the second one I’m very disappoined.
Is there a trick to get the people in charge to react. I’m thinking about returning the whole thing back to Snapmaker … The QA is obviously not working!