I had a clogged nozzle that needed to be cleaned badly. I took out the hot end kit and replaced it with a new hot end kit I purchased separately from SM. I figured I could keep printing while I clean the first nozzle. This is not the first time I’ve done this. One nozzle actually couldn’t get clean enough so I just replaced it with the backup hot end kit that comes with the printer. It worked that time, but this time when I replace it, it won’t heat up. At all. I thought I might have a bum hot end kit so I put back in the clogged one, but it also will not heat up.
Yes I made sure i plugged in the nozzle correctly and I checked for damage to the plug, wires, casing, everything I can see looks fine. The only think that looks strange is the plug. The male end of the plug in the print head, that the hot end kit plugs into, has only 3 prongs. However where there looks like there should be a fourth prong, it doesn’t look broken. It looks like it’s supposed to be that way.
The other thing I noticed is when I go to the controls to heat up the nozzle, I hear a fan go on that runs for a few seconds and then stops. Not sure if it’s related, just trying to provide information.
Thanks for the reply MooseJuice. I did cycle the power several times (always the first step for me). But nothing. I made sure to leave it off for a while too.
I’m not sure what you are saying with the termistor in the heatblock. What is that? The sensor I assume? There are 4 wires in the hot end kit plug, but only 3 wires in the plug on the print head. The one on the far right (or far left depending on your view) of the print head plug seems to be missing. Honestly not sure it was ever there to begin with.
Ah! I’m glad you posted your pics Brent! So it SHOULD have 4 pins in it? I didn’t see a chord backed out like you have, but I’ll have to take a closer look.
Brent for the win! That is exactly what happened! I didn’t see it the first time because the wire that got pushed out was way down in the print head casing. I was able to fish it out so now I can put it back in! Thank you Brent!