200W CNC auto-pauses second into an operation

I’ve been using my new 200W CNC on the snapmaker 2.0 for a few weeks, but it has recently stopped working. When I execute an operation it loads the gcode and begins to carve but pauses itself (not at my command) within the first minute or so. See the first attached image. When I press the “resume” button on the touch screen it gives an error message: “Unable to resume job. Please check your machine settings and try again.” See the second attached image.

What can I do to fix this or even start to troubleshoot?

Door switch?

Export your logs and let us have a look about.
If the tool gets blocked the issue appears the same.

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I think it is triggering the “tool blocked” case incorrectly. I experimented by raising the z offset a bit so it wouldn’t engage the stock. This ran fine until it came to a point where the tool brushed against the stock (but wasn’t removing any material). The moment the tool touched the machine paused.

I’m at work but I should be able to export logs when I get home this evening. That is something I do on the touch screen? Are the logs saved to the USB stick?

Yes, Export via Touchscreen and exported to a USB stick, it takes a while so click export and wait until the message it’s exported.


Following up here in case anyone else sees this issue:

I contacted snapmaker support and after a few rounds of debugging (sending them logs etc) they concluded that there was a fault in the control board and sent me a new one. I was able to do the swap myself and it did solve my problem.

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As it stands in the new gcode wiki, you should be able to readout the current state/error of the toolhead with M1006:

M1006 (SM2.0) - Get Toolhead Details


  • Get detailed information of the toolhead. For different toolheads, the information format may vary. Only key fields are explained here, and see the following example for details.
    • 3DP
Tool Head: 3DP
active_probe_sensor: 0
hotend_type: 0: 1, 1: 1
hotend_diameter: 0: 0.40, 1:0.40
Kp: 150.000, Ki: 1.000, Kd: 30000.000
z_compensation: 0: 0.585, 1: 0.397
echo:Hotend offsets: 0.00,0.00,0.000 26.00,0.00,-1.524


* `Tool Head: 3DP`: Toolhead type - 3DP.
* `z_compensation: 0: 0.585, 1: 0.397`: Z probe compensation.
  • Laser
Tool Head: 20W LASER
Current Status: OFF
Current Power: 0.00
Focus Height: 65


* `Tool Head: 20W LASER`: Toolhead type - 20W Laser.
* `Current Status: OFF`: Current status of the laser.
* `Current Power: 0.00`: Current power of the laser.
  • CNC
Tool Head: 200W CNC
rpm: 0, error: 0x0
M_I: 346, M_V: 24.23
M_TEMP: 25.80, PCB_TEMP: 26.90
run status: STOP
cur_power: 0 target_power: 0
cur_rpm: 0 target_rpm: 0
last error: 0x0


* `Tool Head: 200W CNC`: Toolhead type - 200W CNC.
* `cur_rpm: 0 target_rpm: 0`: Current rpm and target rpm.

