Keep poking around, you’ll get it.
The documentation issue is a well known phenomenon in software - programmers hate to write documentation. The Luban software is still changing pretty fast, and the documentation has trouble keeping up. For these kinds of things, the forum is your best bet. Read a lot, ask questions, try lots of different searches on the forum. And, if you’d like to encourage the Snapmaker team to work on the documentation a bit, hop on a forum entry like this one and add your thoughts.
I would also like to agree with the people above who said (in different words) “try a bunch of different pieces of software”. Other tools may work much better for the way your brain works than Luban. Sort of like the way I can use a paint roller really well, but a paint brush… not so well.
Finally, when you get something that works for you, post pics. Here. Or Facebook. Or wherever you hang out on the internet. That way, you can encourage the rest of us who are still learning too!