10W module camera capture on high objects


I have had issues that I fixed. After testing a lot the only problem I can neither find nor google is that Luban backgroud images of tall objects are not adjusted accordingly to the heights of them. So for anything substantially higher then zero the positioning of artwork in the background image is somewhat useless. I hope that I was just to stupid to find it so I am posting here hoping for help.

To make clear what I am trying: 67mm high box, engraving should be filling the top to the corners, positioning is via camera capture. But the image taken is obviously assumed to be flat to zero heights and I cannot see where to but the adjustment even manually. Focus is NOT the problem, auto/manual both do engrave IF the vector hits the surface. But trying a rectangle on the box that goes into the corners make the laser go around the object by several cm…

Anybody? I’d highly appreciate!
Thank you very much guys!

You’re right, the image would ideally be adjusted to account for the height of the top surface of an object, maybe in a future version.

In the mean time I did some measuring and produced this graph which I use to resize a design before positioning it for lasering. Obviously its not perfect, particularly as you move away from the centre but it can help.

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This was always one of the big problems with the 1.6.
There are several threads on here about it and SM never seemed to get why it was an issue.
(like their having two different coordinate systems for camera capture vs. started from machine.
I was hoping that they’d figured it out for the 10w or that the change in the camera would fix it, but it sounds like it hasn’t.


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